Dr.techn. Ing.
Helena Šimůnková
FEEC, UMEL – Assistant professor
+420 54114 6392
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Department of Microelectronics, Assistant professor
Address | Technická 3058/10, Královo Pole, 61600, Brno, Česká republika |
simunkova@vut.cz | |
Work phone | +420 54114 6392 |
Central European Institute of Technology BUT
Smart Nanodevices, Researcher
Helena.Simunkova@ceitec.vutbr.cz | |
Other e-mail | simunkova@feec.vutbr.cz |
Other e-mail | helena.simunkova@ceitec.vutbr.cz |
Phone | +42054114 6375 |
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