prof. Ing. et Ing.

Stanislav Škapa


FBM – Dean

+420 54114 3741

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prof. Ing. et Ing. Stanislav Škapa, Ph.D.

Faculty of Business and Management


AddressKolejní 2906/4, Královo Pole, 61200, Brno, Česká republika
Work phone+420 54114 3741
Phone+420 54114 2684

Institute of Economics, Professor

AddressKolejní 2906/4, Královo Pole, 61200, Brno, Česká republika

Institute of Postgraduate Studies – Brno Business School, Head

AddressKolejní 2906/4, Královo Pole, 61200, Brno, Česká republika
Phone+420 54114 2684, 3741

Útvar koordinace projektů, Head

Dean's council, Chairman

Scientific Board, Member of Scientific Board

Brno University of Technology

Art, design and architecture board, Member

Integrated Risk Management Committee, Member

Rector's council, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management

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