Project detail

Design and applications of new state models of dynamical systems

Duration: 01.01.2001 — 31.12.2003

Funding resources

Czech Science Foundation - Standardní projekty

- whole funder (2001-01-01 - 2003-12-31)



Default language


People responsible


Department of Radio Electronics
- (2001-01-01 - not assigned)


DÝMAL, P., HANUS, S. Speciální vysílač 900MHz. In Proceedings of 7th conference STUDENT FEI 2001 Volume 1. FEI VUT BRNO: 2001. s. 166 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-1859-1.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. Generalized Reference State Model of Piecewise-Linear Dynamical Systems. In Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing. Řecko: WSEAS Press, 2003. p. 31 ( p.)ISBN: 960-8052-87-4.

POSPÍŠIL, J., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V., DOSTÁL, T. RL Equivalent Circuits of the Simplest Op-Amp Structures. In Proc. of CSCC Multiconference. Greece: 2002. p. 4680 ( p.)ISBN: 960-8052-63-7.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. General form of Optimised State Model of the Second-Order Dynamical systems. In Proc. of CSCC Multiconference. Greece: 2002. p. 4691 ( p.)ISBN: 960-8052-63-7.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., HANUS, S., DOSTÁL, T. Optimized Higher-Order Dynamical Systems. In Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC'2002). Innsbruck: 2002. p. 496 ( p.)ISBN: 0-88986-319-9.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V. New All-Pass Filter Design Procedure Using Optimized PWL Autonomous System. In In Proc. of NOLTA 2002 Conference. Xiang, China: 2002. p. 382 ( p.)ISBN: 3-86005-230-6.

DOSTÁL, T., POSPÍŠIL, J., MICHÁLEK, V., HANUS, S. State Models of Dynamical Systems in Current Mode. In 12 international scientific conference Radioelektronika 2002. Bratislava: Dep. of Radio and Electronics, FEI SUT Bratislava, 2002. p. 99-1 ( p.)ISBN: 80-227-1700-2.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. Generalized Conditions for Optimized State Model of the Second-Order Dynamical Systems. In Proceedings of the 12th Czech-Slovak Conf. RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2002. Bratislava: STU Bratislava, 2002. p. 1 ( p.)ISBN: 80-227-1700-2.

POSPÍŠIL, J., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V. Single Op-Amp Structures and Their RL Circuit Equivalents. In Proc. of the 12th Czech-Slovak Conf. RADIOELEKTRO-NIKA 2002. Bratislava: STU Bratislava, 2002. p. 47 ( p.)ISBN: 80-227-1700-2.

BRZOBOHATÝ, J., POSPÍŠIL, J., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V., KOLKA, Z. State Model of the Optimized Dynamical Systems. In Proc. of the EDS’02. Brno: FEKT VUT Brno, 2002. p. 256 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2180-0.

BRZOBOHATÝ, J., POSPÍŠIL, J., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V. RL Circuit Equivalents of Single Op-Amp Structures. In Proc. of the EDS’02. Brno: FEKT VUT Brno, 2002. p. 238 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2180-0.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., HANUS, S., DOSTÁL, T. Second-Order All-Pass Filter Design Using Optimized PWL Autonomous System. In Sborník konference Nové směry výuky elektrotechniky a elektroniky (STO-8). Brno: VA Brno, 2002. p. 1 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2190-8.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., HANUS, S., DOSTÁL, T. Second-Order Band-Eliminated Filter Design Using Optimized PWL Autonomous System. In Proc. of Telecommunication and Signal Processing TSP-2002. Brno: FEKT VUT Brno, 2002. p. 233 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2172-X.

ZÁVODNÝ, L., HANUS, S. The Convergence of Genetic Algorithms in GSM Network Optimization. In Conference Proceeding ICECom 2003. Neuveden. Dubrovník: KoREMA, Croatian Society for Communications, Computing, Electronics, Measurement and Control, 2003. p. 91 ( p.)ISBN: 953-6037-39-4.

DOSTÁL, T., POSPÍŠIL, J., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V. Current Mode State Models of Third-Order Dynamical Systems. In Proceeding of the 7th WSEAS International Multiconference CSCC. Corfu: WSEAS, 2003. p. 457-163 ( p.)ISBN: 960-8052-82-3.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., DOSTÁL, T. Synthesis of Second-Order Filters Using Optimized PWL Autonomous Systems. In Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC'2003). Innsbruck: IASTED, 2003. p. 124 ( p.)

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. Generalized Reference State Model of Piecewise-Linear Dynamical Systems. In Proc. of 7th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference (CSCC'2003). Řecko: WSEAS Press, 2003. p. 282 ( p.)ISBN: 960-8052-82-3.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. Optimized State Model of the Second-Order Dynamical System. In Proc. of ECCTD 2003. Krakow: 2003. p. 291 ( p.)ISBN: 83-88309-95-1.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. Higher-Order State Model of PWL Dynamical Systems with Unity Particular Transformation Matrix. In Proc. of ECCTD 2003. Krakow: 2003. p. 94 ( p.)ISBN: 83-88309-95-1.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. Reference State Model of Higher-Order Piecewise-Linear Dynamical Systems. In Proc. of the 13th Czech-Slovak Conf. RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2003. Brno: 2003. p. 439 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2383-8.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. Unified State Model of the Lorenz and Rössler Dynamical Systems. In Proc. of the 13th Czech-Slovak Conf. RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2003. Brno: 2003. p. 502 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2383-8.

PETRŽELA, J., POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, J. Lorenz and Rössler Systems having Piecewise-Linear Vector Fields. In Proc. of Conf. “Komunikačné a informačné technológie” KIT 2003. Liptovský Mikuláš: 2003. p. 20 ( p.)ISBN: 80-968711-4-5.

BRZOBOHATÝ, J., POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S. RLC Circuit Model of the Second-order Piecewise-linear Dynamical System Using VCVS. In Proc. of the EDS’03. Brno: 2003. p. 89 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2452-4.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. RLC Circuit Model of the Second-order Piecewise-linear Dynamical System Using CCCS. In Proc. of Telecommunication and Signal Processing TSP-2003. Brno: 2003. p. 274 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2433-3.

PETRŽELA, J., POSPÍŠIL, J., HANUS, S. Linear Topological Conjugacy Between Linearized Lorenz and Rössler System and System of Class C. In Proc. of Telecommunication and Signal Processing TSP-2003. Brno: 2003. p. 209 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2433-3.

PETRŽELA, J., POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S. Lorenz and Rössler Systems with Piecewise-Linear Vector Fields. In Proc. of WSEAS Conf ."NOLASC 2003”. Atény: WSEAS Press, 2003. p. 155 ( p.)

BRZOBOHATÝ, J., POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S. Active RLC Circuit Model of the Second-order Dynamical System with Piecewise-linear Controlled Sources. In Proc. of WSEAS Conf ."NOLASC 2003”. WSEAS Press, 2003. p. 136 ( p.)

ZÁVODNÝ, L. Radiowaves Propagation Modelling for GSM System. In Proceedings of 9th Comference and Competition STUDENT EEICT 2003. Volume 2. Brno: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2003. p. 209 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2378-1.

ZÁVODNÝ, L. Optimisation GSM Network by Genetic Algorithm. In Radioelektronika 2003 Conference Proceedings. Brno: 2003. p. 494 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2383-8.

ZÁVODNÝ, L. Genetic Algorithm in GSM Network Optimisation. In POSTER 2003 Book of Extended Abstracts. Praha: 2003. s. C35 ( s.)

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. Optimized State Model of PWL Dynamical Systems. Radioengineering, 2003, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 27 ( p.)ISSN: 1210-2512.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., HANUS, S., DOSTÁL, T. New Second-Order Optimized Filter Design. Radioengineering, 2003, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 30 ( p.)ISSN: 1210-2512.

POSPÍŠIL, J., BRZOBOHATÝ, J., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V., DOSTÁL, T. RL Equivalent Circuits of the Simplest Op-Amp Structures. In Advances in Systems Science: Measurement, Circuits and Control (Ed: N.E. Mastorakis). neuvedeno. Greece: WSEAS Press, 2002. p. 107 ( p.)ISBN: 960-8052-64-5.

POSPÍŠIL, J., KOLKA, Z., HANUS, S., MICHÁLEK, V., BRZOBOHATÝ, J. General Form of Optimised State Model of the Second-Order Dynamical systems. In Advances in Systems Science: Measurement, Circuits and Control (Ed: N.E. Mastorakis). neuvedeno. Greece: WSEAS Press, 2002. p. 120 ( p.)ISBN: 960-8052-64-5.

DOSTÁL, T., POSPÍŠIL, J., MICHÁLEK, V., HANUS, S. Current Mode State Models of Third-Order Dynamical Systems. In Mastorakis, N. E.: Computational Methods in Circuits and Systems Applications. Electrical and Computer Engineering Series - WSEAS. Athens: WSEAS Press, 2003. p. 243 ( p.)ISBN: 960-8052-88-2.

AXMAN, V. SECOND ORDER FILTERS BY VOLTAGE AND CURRENT FOLLOWERS. In 12-th International Scientific Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2002 conference proceedings. Bratislava: Department of Radio and Electronics, FEI SUT Bratislava, 2002. p. 413 ( p.)ISBN: 80-227-1700-2.