Project detail

Analysis of fracture along segregated grain boundaries in bicrystals and polycrystals

Duration: 01.01.2002 — 31.12.2004

Funding resources

Czech Science Foundation - Standardní projekty

- part funder (2002-01-01 - 2004-12-31)

On the project

Moderní přístup k výrobě polykrystalických materiálů v rámci koncepce Inženýrství hranic zrn vyžaduje detailní znalost chování jednotlivých hranic zrn. Na základě jejich klasifikace lze totiž navrhnout takové uspořádání rozhraní, které poskytuje optimáln vlastnosti. Anizotropie vlastností hranic zrn a jejich klasifikace však nejsou dosud úplně známé. Při přechodu od bikrystalů k polykrystalům se ještě vyskytují další komplikace spojené s koexistencí mnoha rozhraní a jejich styků. Abychom zodpověděli mnoh stále otevřené otázky týkající se této problematiky, navrhujeme v tomto projektu jako hlavní cíl nalézt přímý a kvantitativní vztah mezi segregací příměsí na hranicích zrn a křehkým lomem, který je jednou z nejvážnějších příčin destrukce materiálů.

Description in English
Modern approach to production of polycrystalline materials via Grain Boundary Engineering requires detail knowledge of behaviour of individual grain boundaries. Based on their classification, an arrangement of interfaces can be proposed to create such astructure possessing optimum behaviour. However, the anisotropy of grain boundary properties and their classification are not known completely at present. Moreover, additional complications can occur in a polycrystal, connected to collective coexistenceof many interfaces and their junctions as compared to a single grain boundary in bicrystal. To answer numerous open questions related to this problem, the main aim of the present project is to find the direct quantitative link between grain boundary segregation and brittle fracture that is one of the most serious origins of materials destruction. The study of this problem will be performed on Fe-Si base alloy since we have good experimental experience with production of crystallographically and



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People responsible

Šandera Pavel, prof. RNDr., CSc. - fellow researcher
Lejček Pavel, prof. Ing., DrSc. - principal person responsible


Institute of Physical Engineering
- (2002-01-01 - 2004-12-31)


POKLUDA, J., ŠANDERA, P., HORNÍKOVÁ, J. Application of Statistical Concept of Roughness-Induced Crack Closure to Titanium and Aluminium Alloys. In Fatigue 02. Stockholm: EMAS, 2002. p. 2385 ( p.)ISBN: 1-901537-32-3.

ŠANDERA, P., HORNÍKOVÁ, J., POKLUDA, J. Simple Calculation of Geometrical Shielding at Intergranular Crack Front by Means of Pyramidal Model. In Fracture Mechanics Beyond 2000, ECF 14. Krakow: EMAS, 2002. p. 383 ( p.)ISBN: -88906-04-6.

POKLUDA, J., PIPPAN, R., SLÁMEČKA, K., KOLEDNIK, O. Fatigue Crack Growth in Metals under Pure Mode III: Reality or Fiction?. In Fatigue Crack Paths. Parma: 2003. p. 92 ( p.)

POKLUDA, J., ŠANDERA, P., HORNÍKOVÁ, J., VLACH, B. Fracture Surfaces in Fe-0.05%C-2.6%Si Alloy Contaminated by Phosphorus. In Fractography 2003. Košice: 2003. p. 358 ( p.)ISBN: 80-968543-2-1.

POKLUDA, J.; ŠANDERA, P.; HORNÍKOVÁ, J. Analysis of Roughness-Induced Shielding in Terms of Size Ratio Effect. In nd International ASTM/ESIS Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics. Tampa, Florida: 2003. p. 62 ( p.)

POKLUDA, J.; PIPPAN, R. Can a Pure Mode III Fatigue Loading Contribute to Crack Propagation in Metallic Materials?. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2005, vol. 28, no. 0, p. 179-186. ISSN: 8756-758X.

POKLUDA, J. ŠANDERA, P. HORNÍKOVÁ, J. Statistical Approach to Roughness-Induced Shielding Effects. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2004, vol. 27, no. 2, p. 141 ( p.)ISSN: 8756-758X.

POKLUDA, J.; ŠANDERA, P.; HORNÍKOVÁ, J. Analysis of Roughness-Induced Crack-Tip Shielding in Terms of Size Ratio Effect. Journal of ASTM International, 2005, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 1-15. ISSN: 1546-962X.

JANOVEC, J.; POKLUDA, J.; JENKO, M.; LEJČEK, P.; VLACH, B.; HORNÍKOVÁ, J. Influence of Phosphorus Enrichment at Grain Boundaries on Energy of Intergranular Fracture in Fe-Si-P Alloys. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2006, vol. 38, no. 4, p. 401-405. ISSN: 0142-2421.

JANOVEC, J.; JENKO, M.; POKLUDA, J.; VLACH, B.; LEJČEK, P.; SVOBODA, M.; ŠANDERA, P. Effect of Grain Boundary Segregation on Mechanical Properties of P-Doped Fe-Si Base Alloys. Materials Science Forum, 2005, vol. 482, no. 0, p. 191-194. ISSN: 0255-5476.

SLÁMEČKA, K., POKLUDA, J. 3D Analysis of Fatigue Fracture Morphology Generated by Combined Bending - Torsion. In Advanced Fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Assesments (ECF15). Stockholm: 2004. p. 0 ( p.)