Project detail

Inteligentní antény s časoprostorovým zpracováním signálu

Duration: 6.4.2004 — 31.12.2005

Funding resources

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Fond rozvoje vysokých škol (FRVŠ)

- whole funder (5. 4. 2004 - )



Default language


People responsible

Vavrda Michal, Ing. - principal person responsible
Prokeš Aleš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher


Department of Radio Electronics
- responsible department (5.4.2004 - not assigned)
Department of Radio Electronics
- beneficiary (5.4.2004 - not assigned)


VAVRDA, M., HERTL, I. Beamforming Technique based on Spatial Eigenvalue Decomposition. In Proceddings of 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHD STUDENTS. Miskolc, Hungary: University of Miskolc, 2005. p. 455 ( p.)ISBN: 963-661-678-7.

VAVRDA, M., HERTL, I. Automatic Measurement of Small Boxes Shielding Effectiveness. In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice: Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2005. p. 372 ( p.)ISBN: 80-967402-8-8.

VAVRDA, M., HERTL, I. Beamforming Method for Adaptive Antenna Arrays. In in Proceedings of 9th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Praha: CVUT Praha, 2005. p. 1 ( p.)

VAVRDA, M., RAIDA, Z., HERTL, I. Real Antenna Array Behavior Impact on the Beamforming Algorithm Efficiency. In Proceedings of joint 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA '05 and 11th European Electromagnetic Structures Conference EESC '05. Torino: Politecnico di Torino, 2005. p. 811 ( p.)ISBN: 88-8202-094-0.

VAVRDA, M. Eigen-Beamspace Adaptive Array. In Proceedings of 15th International Travelling Summer School on Microwaves and Lightwaves. L'Aquila: University of L'Aquila, 2005. p. 22 ( p.)

VAVRDA, M., HERTL, I. Alternative Method of Shielding Effectiveness Measurement for Small Boxes. In Radioelektronika 2005 - conference proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2005. p. 1 ( p.)

VAVRDA, M. Non-Phase-Shifting Method of Smart Antenna Arrays Beamforming. In Radioelektronika 2005 - conference proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2005. p. 1 ( p.)

VAVRDA, M., HERTL, I. Automatic Measurement of RF Signal Spatial Properties and Antenna Patterns. In Proceedings of 11th conference and competition STUDENT EEICT 2005. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2005. p. 467 ( p.)

Responsibility: Vavrda Michal, Ing.