Project detail

Developing program "Promotion of the realization of the new structure and modular composition of the study programs at BUT

Duration: 05.01.2004 — 31.12.2004

On the project

Rozvojový program pro podporu studijního programu IT

Description in English
Developing program for study program in IT

Rozvojový program, studijní program, informační technologie

Key words in English
Developing program, study program, Information technology


MSMT 627/2004

Default language


People responsible

Honzík Jan M., prof. Ing., CSc. - fellow researcher
Švec Miloslav, doc. RNDr., CSc. - principal person responsible


Faculty of Information Technology
- (2004-01-05 - 2004-12-31)


ZEMČÍK, P., HRUŠKA, T. Recorded lectures in higher education - technology and experience. In Proceedings of New Horizons in Industry, Business, and Education. Heracleion, Crete: Technological Educational Institute of Crete. Heracleion, Gree, 2005. p. 222-227. ISBN: 960-85316-9-1.