Project detail

Research of nonconventional cooling of electric machines

Duration: 01.01.2005 — 31.12.2007

Funding resources

Czech Science Foundation - Postdoktorandské granty

- whole funder (2005-01-01 - 2007-12-31)

On the project

Účelem projektu je nalezení a realizace co nejúčinnějšího chlazení vybraného elektrického stroje. Intenzivnější chlazení má za následek nižší oteplení a tedy stroj je možné více zatížit

Description in English
The aim of the project is to find the best possible cooling of chosen electric machine. The more efficient cooling makes possible greater loading of a machine. The project will utilize the property of heat pipe, which increases substantially the thermalconductivity from unapproachable parts of a machine, which are usually the main sources of machine thermal losses. The project will solve two possibilities using of heat pipe. Firstly synchronous machine cooling of stator winding will solve. Heat pipe will place directly in the winding slot. The synchronous machine computer simulation will by compared with measuring on the special experimental facility. Secondly cooling of DC motor with permanent magnet in stator using heat pipe will solve. In this caseheat pipe will place in the shaft axis. The computational simulation will by compared with measuring too. It is supposed that using heat pipe is able to improve substantially the machine power and therefore to increase the machine ratio of weight to



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People responsible

Vlach Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible



VLACH, R. Parametric Model of Synchrnous Machine Winding Cooling by Heat Pipe. In Engineering Mechanics2005. Praha: 2005. s. 341 ( s.)ISBN: 80-85918-93-5.

VLACH, R. PARAMETRICKÝ MODEL PŘÍMÉHO CHLAZENÍ VINUTÍ SYNCHRONNÍHO MOTORU VODOU. In Engeneering Mechanics 2005. 2005. s. 341 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2940-4.

VLACH, R., GREPL, R., KREJČÍ, P. Ŕízení nekonvenčního cházení statorového vinutí vodou. In Engineering Mechanics 2006. Praha: 2006. s. 424 ( s.)ISBN: 80-86246-27-2.

VLACH, R. Thermal model of control non-convectional winding slot cooling by water. In Modeling and optimalization of physical systems. 2007. p. 157-162.

VLACH, R.; GREPL, R.; KREJČÍ, P. Control of Stator Winding Slot Cooling by Water Using Prediction of Heating. In ICM2007 4th IEEE international Conference on Mechatronics. Kumamoto,Japan: IEEE, 2007. p. 5-9. ISBN: 1-4244-1184-X.

VLACH, R. DC MACHINE COOLING BY HEAT PIPE. In LVEM - Low Voltage Electrical Machines 2007. Brno: 2007. p. 108 ( p.)ISBN: 978-80-214-3560-5.

VLACH, R. Strain Analysis of Frame Foots of Elevator Machines of type SVM250. 2006.

VLACH, R. Predictor for Control of Stator Winding Water Cooling of Synchronous Machine. In Recent Advances in Mechatronics. Mech. Berlín: Springer, 2007. p. 190-194. ISBN: 978-3-540-73955-5.

VLACH, R. COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MODELLING OF NON-CONVECTIONAL WINDING SLOT COOLING. Inženýrská mechanika - Engineering Mechanics, 2005, vol. 2005, no. 12, p. 209 ( p.)ISSN: 1210-2717.

VLACH, R. Control of Stator Winding Slot Cooling by Water. In Simulation Modeling of Mechatronics systems II. mechatronika. 2006. p. 75-83. ISBN: 80-214-3341-8.

VLACH, R.: DNSC-2; Průtokoměr na kapalná média. ÚMTMB,FSI VUT Brno, technická 2896/2 A2/713. (funkční vzorek)

VLACH, R.: DNSC-1; Stejnosměrný motor chlazený tepelnou trubicí. ÚMTMB,FSI VUT Brno, technická 2896/2 A2/713. (funkční vzorek)