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Project detail
Duration: 01.01.2001 — 31.12.2005
Funding resources
Evropská unie - 5th Framework Programme
- whole funder (2001-01-01 - 2005-12-31)Evropská unie - 5th Framework Programme
- whole funder (2001-01-01 - 2005-12-31)
On the project
INTERACT aims to respond to the implementation of urban comprehensive strategic planning. Many European cities have already launched strategic processes, seeking to include such varied and complex aims as economic growth, social integration, quality of life and respect for the environment. Cities are now confronted with the difficult task of implementing a plan made of complex, multi-sectorial actions that need to mobilise lots of partners).
Description in EnglishINTERACT aims to respond to the implementation of urban comprehensive strategic planning. Many European cities have already launched strategic processes, seeking to include such varied and complex aims as economic growth, social integration, quality of life and respect for the environment. Cities are now confronted with the difficult task of implementing a plan made of complex, multi-sectorial actions that need to mobilise lots of partners).
Keywordsrevitaliazce, panelové domy
Key words in Englishrenovation, panel houses
Default language
People responsible
Hirš Jiří, prof. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible
Institute of Building Services- beneficiary (2006-04-04 - not assigned)
HIRŠ, J. Vytápěcí soustavy při regeneraci panelových staveb. In Zborník prednášok z konferencie so zahraničnou účasťou Vykurovanie 2001 - Prevádzka vykurovacích systémov v ponikateľskom prostredí. Bratislava: Slovenská spoločnosť pre techniku prostredia, 2001. s. 153 ( s.)Detail
HIRŠ, J. EPBD - Česká metodika. Praha: 2005.Detail
HIRŠ, J. Energetický audit a monitoring spotřeby energií nízkoenergetických staveb. Brno: 2006.Detail