Project detail

Inovace výuky předmětu Elektrotechnický seminář

Duration: 1.1.2007 — 31.12.2007

Funding resources

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Fond rozvoje vysokých škol (FRVŠ)

- whole funder (12. 5. 2006 - )


828/F1 a

Default language


People responsible

Kroutilová Eva, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Gescheidtová Eva, prof. Ing., CSc. - fellow researcher


Department of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering
- responsible department (12.5.2006 - not assigned)
Department of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering
- beneficiary (12.5.2006 - not assigned)


DĚDKOVÁ, J. Multimedia and electronic tools support of electrical engineering education at FEEC BUT. In AMTEE 07. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia, 2007. p. 3-4. ISBN: 978-80-7043-564-9.