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Project detail
Duration: 1.3.2006 — 31.12.2009
Funding resources
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - COST
- whole funder (1. 3. 2006 - 31. 12. 2009)
On the project
příprava objemových keramických materiálů s požadovanou strukturou, chemickým a fázovým složením
Description in Englishprocessing of volume ceramic materials with reguired structure, chemical and phase composition
Keywords příprava elektrokeramiky, nanoprášky, keramické materiály, bezdefektní objemová nanokeramika,
Key words in EnglishProcessing of electroceramics; nanopowders; ceramic materials materials; defectfree volume nanoceramic; alloy behaviour
OC 102
Default language
People responsible
Maca Karel, prof. RNDr., Dr. - principal person responsible
Dept. of Ceramics and Polymers- responsible department (1.1.1989 - not assigned)Dept. of Ceramics and Polymers- beneficiary (1.3.2006 - 6.10.2009)
SRDIČ, V., STOJANOVIČ, B.: 3rd Workshop COST 539 Action - ELENA: Nanostructured Materials: Processing and Application. Bled (02.09.2007)Detail
MACA, K.; POUCHLÝ, V.: Density; Software for construction of sintering densification curve from dilatometric shrinkage data. VUT-FSI, Technická 2, 616 69 Brno. (software)Detail
PETZELT, J.; OSTAPCHUK, T.; GREGORA, I.; NUZHNYY, D.; RYCHETSKÝ, I.; MACA, K.; SHEN, Z. Grain Boundary and Size Effect on the Dielectric, Infrared and Raman Response of SrTiO3 Nanograin Ceramics. FERROELECTRICS, 2008, vol. 363, no. 1, p. 227-244. ISSN: 0015-0193.Detail
MACA, K.; POUCHLÝ, V.; SHEN, Z. Two-Step Sintering and Spark Plasma Sintering of Al2O3, ZrO2 and SrTiO3 Ceramics. INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS, 2008, vol. 99, no. 1, p. 114-124. ISSN: 1058-4587.Detail
MACA, K.; POUCHLÝ, V.; BOCCACCINI, A. Sintering Densification Curve - a Practical Approach For Its Construction From Dilatometric Shrinkage Data. Science of Sintering, 2008, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 117-122. ISSN: 0350-820X.Detail
TRUNEC, M.; MACA, K.; SHEN, Z. Warm pressing of zirconia nanoparticles by the spark plasma sintering technique. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2008, vol. 59, no. 1, p. 23-26. ISSN: 1359-6462.Detail
KAMBA, S.; NUZHNYY, D.; VANĚK, P.; SAVINOV, M.; KNÍŽEK, K.; SHEN, Z.; ŠANTAVÁ, E.; MACA, K.; SADOWSKI, M.; PETZELT, J. Magnetodielectric effect and optic soft mode behaviour in quantum paraelectric EuTiO3 ceramics. EUROPHYSICS LETTERS, 2007, vol. 80, no. 2, p. 27002-p1 (27002-p6 p.)ISSN: 0295-5075.Detail
MACA, K.; CIHLÁŘ, J.; ČÁSTKOVÁ, K.; ZMEŠKAL, O.; HADRABA, H. Sintering of gadolinia-doped ceria prepared by mechanochemical synthesis. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007, vol. 27, no. 13-15, p. 4345-4348. ISSN: 0955-2219.Detail
MACA, K. The Influence of Sintering Schedule on Microstructure of SrTiO3 Ceramics. In Proceedings of 3rd COST 539 Workshop: Nanostructured Materials: Processing and Applications. Novi Sad, Serbia: Verzal, 2007. p. 46-47.Detail
MACA, K.; ČÁSTKOVÁ, K.; SRDIČ, V.; DJENADIČ, R. Synthesis and sintering of nanometre SrTiO3. In Processing and Characterization of Nanostructured Systems. Brussels: VERZAL Novi Sad, 2006. p. 18 ( p.)Detail
Responsibility: Maca Karel, prof. RNDr., Dr.