Project detail
AMIDA - Augmented Multi-party Interaction with Distance Access
Duration: 1.10.2006 — 31.12.2009
Funding resources
On the project
AMIDA will develop and expand the research vision that we initiated in the previous (still ongoing) EU-IST AMI Integrated Project, to understand better and build new support for human communication. The ground-breaking research that we shall undertake in AMIDA will span several traditionally separate disciplines, including: - Qualitative human analysis and human factors; - Audio-video processing, including unconstrained speech recognition and natural scene analysis; - Multimodal structure and content analysis, including the modelling of individuals and groups, through the joint processing of multiple (multimodal) information channels (audio, visual, slides, handwriting, and white board activity); - HCI, application prototyping, evaluation, and system integration. The AMIDA research work will directly build upon the recognized achievements and large multimodal corpora (becoming a standard reference in the area of multimodal processing) resulting from AMI. However, there will also be a very challenging shift in emphasis to live meetings with remote participants, using affordable commodity sensors (such as webcams and cheaper microphones), and targeting the development of advanced videoconferencing systems featuring new functionalities such as (1) filtering, searching and browsing; (2) remote monitoring; (3) interactive accelerated playback; (4) meeting support; and (5) shared context and presence. While addressing additional scientific challenges (such as real-time processing and processing of lower quality audio and visual signals), AMIDA has also raised the exploitation transfer potential through genuine integration of the AMIDA industrial partners collaborating on common prototypes and applications. Finally, through its "Community of Interest" (CoI)1, AMIDA will also actively engage beyond the consortium to spread awareness and knowledge.
Description in Czech
Projekt se zabývá posílenou skupinovou interakcí s dálkovým přístupem
speech recognition, video processing, teleconference
Default language
People responsible
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. - principal person responsible
Image and Video Processing Research Group
- internal (12.10.2006 - 31.12.2009)
Speech Data Mining Research Group BUT Speech@FIT
- internal (12.10.2006 - 31.12.2009)
Responsibility: Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c.