Project detail
Vývoj driverů Autosar na platformě Freescale HCSX12
Duration: 2.4.2007 — 2.7.2007
Funding resources
Vysoké učení technické v Brně - Vnitřní projekty VUT
Default language
People responsible
Václavek Pavel, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Blaha Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Macho Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Petyovský Petr, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Department of Control and Instrumentation
- responsible department (2.4.2007 - not assigned)
Department of Control and Instrumentation
- beneficiary (2.4.2007 - not assigned)
Responsibility: Václavek Pavel, prof. Ing., Ph.D.