Project detail

Physics chemisty and informatics for biological ecological and medical applications

Duration: 01.01.2002 — 31.12.2004

Funding resources

The Czech Academy of Sciences - Program rozvoje badatelského výzkumu v klíčových oblastech vědy

- part funder (2008-03-31 - not assigned)

On the project

The study of polution of agricultural crops with lantanides

Description in Czech
Studium lantanidů ve vzorcích zemědělstkých produktů



Default language


People responsible

Kučera Jan, Doc. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible


The Czech Academy of Sciences
- (2002-01-01 - 2004-12-31)


KUČERA, J.; MIZERA, J.; RANDA, Z.; VÁVROVÁ, M. Pollution of agricultural crops with lanthanides, thorium and uranium studied by instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (elektronická verze), 2006, vol. 271, no. 3, p. 581-587. ISSN: 1588-2780.