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Project detail
Duration: 1.5.2010 — 31.12.2012
Funding resources
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - KONTAKT
On the project
Společný vývoj bezkalibrační kvantitativní LIBS analýzy (CF-LIBS) vybraných vzorků. Aplikace postupu CF-LIBS nejenom v laboratorních podmínkách, ale i s využitím aparatury pro dálkovou LIBS (rLIBS).
Description in EnglishThe capability of utilizing lasers as an excitation source for spectrometric microanalysis in different fields was recognized soon after the development of the first laser devices. Advanced laser-based techniques allow fast and accurate study of different materials both for analysis in the laboratory and industrial environments [1, 2]. For trace and ultra-trace analysis of solid samples the laser-ablation was coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) or Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) [3, 4]. More recently, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) has been introduced. LIBS utilizes the high power densities obtained by focusing the radiation from a pulsed, and fixed frequency laser to generate in the focal region a luminous micro-plasma from an analyte (solid, liquid and gaseous samples). The micro-plasma emission is subsequently analyzed by spectrometer.
Keywords laserem indukjovaná spektroskopie
Key words in Englishlaser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS); remote-LIBS; calibration-free LIBS
Default language
People responsible
Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Institute of Physical Engineering- responsible department (1.1.1989 - not assigned)Institute of Physical Engineering- beneficiary (1.5.2010 - 31.12.2012)
ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, K.; NOVOTNÝ, K.; GALIOVÁ, M.; KANICKÝ, V.; KAISER, J.; HAHN, D. Laser ablation methods for analysis of urinary calculi: comparison study based on calibration pellets. Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2013, vol. 81, no. 3, p. 43-49. ISSN: 0584-8547.Detail
VÍTKOVÁ, G.; NOVOTNÝ, K.; PROKEŠ, L.; HRDLIČKA, A.; KAISER, J.; NOVOTNÝ, J.; MALINA, R.; PROCHÁZKA, D. Fast identification of biominerals by means of stand-off laser induced breakdown spectroscopy using linear discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks. Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2012, vol. 73, no. 7, p. 1-6. ISSN: 0584-8547.Detail
POŘÍZKA, P. Measurements of Metals in Algae Solutions Using Single Pulse and Double Pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. 2011.Detail
POUZAR, M., KRATOCHVÍL, T., KASKI, S., KAISER, J., KNOTEK, P., ČAPEK, L., ČERNOHORSKÝ, T. Effect of particle size distribution in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of mesoporous V–SiO2 catalysts. Journal of Analalytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2011, vol. 26, no. 10, p. 2281-2288. ISSN: 0267-9477.Detail
J. Kaiser, K. Novotný, A. Hrdlička, R. Malina, J. Novotný, D. Prochazka, M. Petrilak, L. Krajcarová, G. Vítková, P. Kučerová. Utilization of selected laser-ablation based diagnostic methods (LIBS, LIFS, LA-ICP-MS) for study of elemental distribution in various solid samples. 17th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemoraty Optics - Book of Abstracts. 2010. p. 18-18.Detail
KAISER, Jozef - NOVOTNÝ, Karel - GALIOVÁ, Michaela - HRDLIČKA, Aleš - NOVOTNÝ, Jan - VÍTKOVÁ, Gabriela - MALINA, Radomír - PROCHAZKA, David. Utilization of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for classification of brick samples. 2010.Detail
GALIOVÁ, M.; KAISER, J.; NOVOTNÝ, K.; HARTL, M.; KIZEK, R.; BABULA, P. Utilization of Laser-Assisted Analytical Methods for Monitoring of Lead and Nutrition Elements Distribution in Fresh and Dried Capsicum annuum L. Leaves. Microscopy research and technique, 2011, vol. 74, no. 9, p. 845-852. ISSN: 1059-910X.Detail
J. Kaiser; K. Novotný; A. Hrdlička; R. Malina; J. Novotný; D. Prochazka; M. Petrilak; L. Krajcarová; G. Vítková; P. Kučerová. Utilization of selected laser-ablation-based diagnostic methods for study of elemental distribution in various solid samples. In 17th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics (Proceedings Volume). 1. SPIE, 2010. p. 774604-1 (774604-9 p.)ISBN: 978-0-8194-8236-5.Detail
K. Novotný, M. Galiová, J. Kaiser, L. Krajcarová, A. Hrdlička, V. Kanický, V. Otruba. Double pulse LIBS technika - vývoj instrumentace a aplikace pro stanovení distribuce v těžkých kovů v rostlinách. In Sborník 14. Česko-Slovenské Spektroskopické Konference. 1. 2010. s. A3 (A3 s.)ISBN: 978-80-7395-282-2.Detail
J. Novotný, J. Kaiser, R. Malina, D. Procházka, M. Liška, K. Novotný, M. Galiová, A. Hrdlička. Vývoj a vybrané aplikace aparatur pro laserovou spektroskopii na Ústavu fyzikálního inženýrství FSI VUT v Brně. In Sborník 14. Česko-Slovenské Spektroskopické Konference. 1. 2010. s. A2 (A2 s.)ISBN: 978-80-7395-282-2.Detail
Novotný, K. - Galiová, M. - Holá, M. - Kanický, V. - Kaiser, J. Classification of biominerals by means of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Artificial Neural Networks. ICP Information Newsletter, 2010, vol. 2010, no. 1-2, p. 137-138. ISSN: 0161-6951.Detail
Responsibility: Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.