Project detail

Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy of Polymeric Dielectrics During Their Degradation

Duration: 01.01.1994 — 31.12.1995

Funding resources

Czech Science Foundation - Standardní projekty

- whole funder



Default language


People responsible

Liedermann Karel, doc. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible



LIEDERMANN, K. The Calculation of the Distribution of Relaxation Times from the Frequency Dependence of the Real Part of the Complex Permitivity. In Technological Applications of Dielectrics. Great Britain: University of Kent at Canterbury, 1994. p. 5 ( p.)

LIEDERMANN, K., POLSTEROVÁ, H. Výzkum dielektrického relaxačního spektra Relanexu v průběhu jeho degradace. In Diagnostika´95. Plzeň: ZČU Plzeň, 1995. s. 242 ( s.)

LIEDERMANN, K. Ageing process in epoxy based Relanex insulations as monitored by the time-domain dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. In 1995 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials. Tokyo: Moriya Tanaka, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 1995. p. 367 ( p.)ISBN: 4-88686-047-8.

LIEDERMANN, K. The Calculation of the Distribution of Relaxation Times from the Complex Permitivity by the Deconvolution Method. Gordon Research Conference on Dielectric Phenomena. Plymouth, New Hampshire, USA: Gordon Research Conference, 1994. p. 136 ( p.)

LIEDERMANN, K. The calculation of a distribution of relaxation times from the frequency dependence of the real permitivity with the inverse Fourier transformation. Journal of Non-Crystaline Solids, 1994, vol. 19, no. 175, p. 21 ( p.)ISSN: 0022-3093.

LIEDERMANN, K. A Simple Formula for the Temperature Dependence of the Relaxation Frequency in Glassy Systems. Colloid and Polymer Science, 1996, vol. -, no. 274, p. 20 ( p.)ISSN: 0303-402X.

LIEDERMANN, K., LAPČÍK, L. Dielektrická relaxační spektroskopie některých polysacharidů. Chemical Papers, 1996, roč. 50, č. 4, s. 218-223. ISSN: 0366-6352.

LIEDERMANN, K., POLSTEROVÁ, H. Dielectric relaxation in Relanex insulation during ageing. In Electrical Conduction and Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics. Leicester: IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, 1995. p. 124 ( p.)