Project detail

Wireless communication teams (WICOMT)

Duration: 1.3.2011 — 31.5.2013

Funding resources

Evropská unie - OP VK - Oblast podpory 2.3 - Lidské zdroje ve VaV (2. výzva)

- whole funder (1. 2. 2011 - 28. 2. 2013)

On the project

Projekt je zaměřen na konsolidaci výzkumných týmů pro centrum aplikovaného výzkumu SIX.

Description in English
The project is aimed to consolidate research teams for the spplied research centre SIX.

Mikrovlnné technologie, bezdrátové systémy

Key words in English
Microwave technologies, wireless systems



Default language


People responsible

Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing. - principal person responsible


Department of Radio Electronics
- responsible department (1.11.2016 - not assigned)
Department of Radio Electronics
- beneficiary (1.2.2011 - not assigned)


ŠOTNER, R.; KARTCI, A.; JEŘÁBEK, J.; HERENCSÁR, N.; PETRŽELA, J. Modulator Based on Electronic Change of Phase Shift in Simple Oscillator. In ELECO 2015 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Bursa, Turecko: The Chamber of Electrical Engineers Bursa Branch, 2015. p. 101-105. ISBN: 978-605-01-0737-1.

WILFERT, O.; BARCÍK, P.; DOBESCH, A. Současný stav a perspektivy optické bezkabelové komunikace. In 43. Seminář Pravidelné setkání zájemců o mikrovlnnou techniku. Praha: Česká elektrotechnická společnost, z. s., ÚOS Mikrovlnná technika, 2015. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-02-02627-3.

WILFERT, O.; BARCÍK, P.; DOBESCH, A.; PAVLŮ, M. Nové trendy v oblasti bezkabelové komunikace. In XXV. konference, Radiokomunikace, sborník přednášek. říjen 2015. Pardubice: UNIT s.r.o., 2015. s. 169-183. ISBN: 978-80-905345-6-8.

JEŘÁBEK, J.; ŠOTNER, R.; DOSTÁL, T.; VRBA, K. Simple Resistor-less Generator Utilizing Z-copy Controlled Gain Voltage Differencing Current Conveyor for PWM Generation. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 2015, vol. 21, no. 5, p. 28-34. ISSN: 1392-1215.

JEŘÁBEK, J.; ŠOTNER, R.; HERENCSÁR, N.; KARTCI, A. Importance of Amplitude Stability and Spectral Purity of Produced Signals in a Quadrature Oscillator. In PROCEEDINGS EUROCON 2015 (IEEE Region 8, 16th International Conference on Computer as a Tool). Salamanka, Španělsko: IEEE, 2015. p. 351-355. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8569-2.

ŠOTNER, R.; JEŘÁBEK, J.; PROKOP, R.; KLEDROWETZ, V.; FUJCIK, L.; DOSTÁL, T. Reconfigurable 1st Order Filters Based on Differential Voltage Input and a Single Current Output Transconductance Multiplier. In PROCEEDINGS EUROCON 2015 (IEEE Region 8, 16th International Conference on Computer as a Tool). Salamanka, Španělsko: IEEE, 2015. p. 324-327. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8569-2.

ŽÁK, T.; ŠOTNER, R.; JEŘÁBEK, J.; VRBA, K.; DOSTÁL, T. Reconfigurable First-Order Filter Operating with Non-Ideal Parameters of Active Elements. In 2015 International Conference on Applied Electronics. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015. p. 293-296. ISBN: 978-80-261-0385-1.

ŠOTNER, R.; PROKOP, R.; JEŘÁBEK, J.; KLEDROWETZ, V.; FUJCIK, L.; DOSTÁL, T. Design of Current-Controlled Current Conveyor Stage With Systematic Current Offset Reduction. In 2015 International Conference on Applied Electronics. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015. p. 225-228. ISBN: 978-80-261-0385-1.

POSPÍŠIL, M.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Digital predistortion - from MATLAB simulation to fixed point implementation in USRP. In Sborník příspěvků studentské konference Kohútka 2015. 2015. p. 61-64. ISBN: 978-80-214-5239-8.

ZACH, O. Current Video Coding - Solutions and Challenges. In Sborník příspěvků studentské konferece Kohútka 2015. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2015. p. 74-76. ISBN: 978-80-214-5239-8.

BARCÍK, P.; WILFERT, O.; KOLKA, Z. Coupling Efficiency Estimation of the Fully Photonic Receiver. In Proceedings of the 2015 13th International Conference on Telecommunications ConTEL 2015. Graz: Graz University of Technology, 2015. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8971-3.

POLÁK, L.; PLAISNER, D.; KALLER, O.; KRATOCHVÍL, T. Influence of LTE Uplink System on DVB-T System at Different Coexistence Scenarios. In 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2015). Prague (Czech Republic): 2015. p. 573-576. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8497-8.

JEŘÁBEK, J.; ŠOTNER, R.; KARTCI, A.; HERENCSÁR, N.; DOSTÁL, T.; VRBA, K. Two Behavioral Models of the Electronically Controlled Generalized Current Conveyor of the Second Generation. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2015). Prague, Czech Republic: 2015. p. 349-353. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8497-8.

ŠOTNER, R.; JEŘÁBEK, J.; KARTCI, A.; HERENCSÁR, N.; PROKOP, R.; PETRŽELA, J.; VRBA, K. Behavioral Models of Current Conveyor of Second Generation with Advanced Controllable Inter-Terminal Relations. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2015). Prague, Czech Republic: 2015. p. 360-365. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8497-8.

POLÁK, L.; KALLER, O.; KRATOCHVÍL, T. DVB-T2-Lite Profile using Diversity Technique under Different Channel Conditions. In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). Ghent (Belgium): IEEE, 2015. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-4799-5865-8.

ŠOTNER, R.; JEŘÁBEK, J.; HERENCSÁR, N.; PETRŽELA, J.; DOSTÁL, T.; VRBA, K. First-order adjustable transfer sections for synthesis suitable for special purposes in constant phase block approximation. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2015, vol. 69, no. 9, p. 1334-1345. ISSN: 1434-8411.

ŠOTNER, R.; PETRŽELA, J.; JEŘÁBEK, J.; DOSTÁL, T. Reconnection-less OTA-based Biquad Filter with Electronically Reconfigurable Transfers. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 2015, vol. 21, no. 3, p. 33-37. ISSN: 1392-1215.

WILFERT, O.; KOLKA, Z.; BARCÍK, P.; DOBESCH, A.; PAVLŮ, M. The use of photonic technology in optical wireless links. In 14th Conference on Microwave Techniques COMITE 2015. 2015. p. 135-138. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8121-2.

ŠOTNER, R.; JEŘÁBEK, J.; PETRŽELA, J.; PROKOP, R.; VRBA, K.; KARTCI, A.; DOSTÁL, T. Quadrature Oscillator Solution Suitable with Arbitrary and Electronically Adjustable Phase Shift. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Lisbon, Portugal: 2015. p. 3056-3059. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8391-9. ISSN: 0271-4310.

POSPÍŠIL, M.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Experimental study of wireless transceiver authentication using carrier frequency offset monitoring. In Proceedings of 25th international conference Radioelektronika 2015. 2015. p. 335-338. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8117-5.