Project detail

Safe road and the impact of its parameters on the reduction of accidents and their severity

Duration: 01.02.2011 — 31.12.2013

Funding resources

Technologická agentura ČR - Program aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje ALFA

- whole funder (2011-02-01 - 2014-12-31)

On the project

Safe road and the impact of its parameters on the reduction of accidents and their severity

Description in English
The objective of the project is, based on the research of relations among design parameters and additional road safety features, to create a set of tools that will help to reach a more promising longer-term development in road accident statistics in theCzech Republic and more-significantly-decreasing numbers of severe accidents with tragic consequences to society and economy. The tool developed will include a unique methodology for safe road design, the sets of prototypal and model countermeasures foreliminating existing road safety deficits, and also a software application for the support in the preparation of short-term and long-term investment plans increasing road safety through economically effective (often low-cost) large scale measures. The main motivation for the project is therefore to contribute to the reduction of fatal and serious road accidents in compliance with the objectives of both European and national transport policies.



Default language


People responsible

Matuszková Radka, Ing. - fellow researcher
Radimský Michal, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Landa Jiří, Ing. - principal person responsible


Institute of Road Structures
- (2011-02-01 - not assigned)
Institute of Computer Aided Engineering and Computer Science
- (2011-02-01 - not assigned)


RADIMSKÝ, M.; SMĚLÝ, M.; APELTAUER, T. Traffic safety of multi-lanes roundabouts. In MOSATT 2011 - Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation. 1. Bratislava: Slovak Transport Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2011. s. 338-342. ISBN: 978-80-970772-0-4.

SKALICKÁ, P.; RADIMSKÝ, M.; SMĚLÝ, M.; VŠETEČKA, M. Zeleň a rozhled na pozemních komunikacích. Silnice a železnice, 2013, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 82-84. ISSN: 1801-822X.

VALENTOVÁ, V.; RADIMSKÝ, M.; SMĚLÝ, M.; APELTAUER, T. Vliv podélného sklonu na vzdálenost pro předjíždění. In Research, Development and Innovation in Transport 2012. 1. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - TU Ostrava, 2012. s. 141-148. ISBN: 978-80-248-2829-9.

RADIMSKÝ, M.; SMĚLÝ, M.; APELTAUER, T. Popis kolizních situací při průjezdu vícepruhovou okružní křižovatkou. In LOGVD 2011 - Dopravná logistika a krízové situácie. 1. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2011. s. 117-122. ISBN: 978-80-554-0442-4.
