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Project detail
Duration: 01.01.2010 — 31.10.2013
Funding resources
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace
- part funder (2011-01-01 - 2013-09-30)
On the project
Cílem projektu je vybudování komplexní informační infrastruktury pro výzkum a technologický rozvoj včetně zařízení, nástrojů a vysokorychlostních počítačových sítí propojujících výzkumná střediska. Tato infrastruktura pokryje existující a očekávané ICT potřeby stávajících a nových VaV pracovišť na VUT v Brně jako NETME, CEITEC, IT4Inovations a další.
Description in EnglishThe project goals are developing a comprehensive information infrastructure for research and technological development, including equipment, tools and high-speed computer networks linking research centers. This e-infrastructure will cover existing and future needs of the existing ICT and new R & D departments at the Brno University of Technology as NETME, CEITEC, IT4Inovations and more. The project will be implemented by: Upgrade of the optical network equipment, network elements active, non-construction equipment, data centers, purchase and installation of shared servers for joint use of R & D and innovation projects. The establishment of specialized computing and storage capacity, especially for smaller data storage as a connection to large computingand storage capacity built under the project CESNET and IT4Innovations and as a tool for calculations using specialized hardware and software.
Keywordse-infrastuktura, datová centra, software, datové sály, servery, IT služby
Key words in Englishe-infrastructure, software, services, datacenters, optical network
Project presentation
Default language
People responsible
Bejček Vlastimil, Ing., CSc. - fellow researcherBlažková Hana - fellow researcherDarmovzal Zdeněk - fellow researcherDitrichová Eva, Mgr. - fellow researcherDrápal Stanislav, Ing. - fellow researcherDressler Jiří, Ing. - fellow researcherFasura Martin, Ing. - fellow researcherHalfar Patrik, Ing. - fellow researcherHalíková Dana - fellow researcherHromek Michal, Ing. - fellow researcherHruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc. - fellow researcherHurtečák Lubomír, Ing. - fellow researcherJakab Robert, Ing. - fellow researcherJura Pavel, prof. Ing., CSc. - fellow researcherKašpárek Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcherKnoflíčková Jana - fellow researcherKohut Petr, Ing. - fellow researcherKovanda Ivan, Ing. - fellow researcherKreuzwieser Tomáš, Ing. - fellow researcherKubeš František, DiS. - fellow researcherLapčík Miroslav - fellow researcherMiček Pavel, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcherMilota Josef, RNDr. - fellow researcherMusil Rudolf, Ing. - fellow researcherNěmec Petr, Ing., PhD. - fellow researcherNovotný Tomáš, Ing. - fellow researcherPanáček Tomáš, Ing. - fellow researcherPěnčík Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcherPodermański Tomáš, Ing. - fellow researcherPolášek Hynek - fellow researcherSala Pavel, Ing. - fellow researcherSedlák Martin, Ing. - fellow researcherSedláková Bedřiška - fellow researcherSkopal Miroslav, Ing. - fellow researcherStrakoš Marek, Ing. - fellow researcherStudený Stanislav, Bc. - fellow researcherŠandera Pavel, prof. RNDr., CSc. - fellow researcherŠejnoha Pavel, Ing. - fellow researcherŠkrhák Milan, Ing. - fellow researcherTělupilová Alena, Ing. - fellow researcherTomšů Roman, Ing. - fellow researcherTrávníček Miloš, Ing. - fellow researcherVašíčková Pavlína, Ing. - fellow researcherVelebová Jana, Ing. - fellow researcherVintera Jiří, Ing. - fellow researcherZáhořík Vladimír, Ing. - fellow researcherMarušinec Jaromír, Ing., Ph.D., MBA - principal person responsible
Center of Information Services- beneficiary (2011-05-02 - not assigned)