Project detail

The dynamic behavior analysis of coupling totors systems with elastic nonrotating parts and nonlinear bearings

Duration: 01.01.1996 — 31.12.1998

Funding resources

Czech Science Foundation - Standardní projekty

- whole funder

On the project

Description in English
The substance of the project consists in fiheorefiical, numerical and experimental analysis of dynamical behaviour of nonlinear rotor systems with the influence of flexible nonrotating parts and with the nonlinear coupling between rotating and nonrotating components. The project will include the solution of the eigenvalue problem and steady state and transient response. It is directed on general mechanical and electromechanical rotor systems of middle power that contain electromechanical couplings and that are described by known nonlinear functions. It also includes the verification of the developed numerical algorithms and programs through experimental modelling with rotor systems. The project is aimed at the field of computational modelling. It is supposed new algorithms and computer programs for the analysis of dynamical behaviour of rotor systems with flexible stators will be developed. Coupling parts (bearings, dampers, electromechanical forces, etc.) are considered to be nonlinear.



Default language


People responsible

Malenovský Eduard, prof. Ing., DrSc. - principal person responsible


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- (1996-01-01 - 1998-12-31)


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