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Project detail
Duration: 01.01.2012 — 30.09.2014
Funding resources
Technologická agentura ČR - Program aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje ALFA
- whole funder (2012-01-01 - not assigned)
On the project
Data-warehouse design documentation of the infrastructure and its use at assessing the safety of buildings TEN-T
Description in EnglishProject will be created a digital data warehouse of the project documentation to improve the processes of the construction preparation and a web portal for providing the documentation and other information which impact on improving safety of road infrastructure. The team have long-term experience with the preparation of construction and development of information systems in this area, so we guarantee the dissemination of results into practice.
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People responsible
Kružík Pavel, Ing. - fellow researcherRadimský Michal, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcherJindra Jiří, Ing. - principal person responsible
Institute of Road Structures- beneficiary (2012-01-01 - not assigned)
RADIMSKÝ, M.; MATUSZKOVÁ, R.; SMĚLÝ, M.; KOSŇOVSKÝ, M.; APELTAUER, T.; KRUŽÍK, P.; MAHDAL, J.; MULÍČKOVÁ, E.; KUFNER, J.: datatenpok; Metodika pro předávání digitální projektové dokumentace staveb pozemních komunikací pro uchovávání a správu v datových skladech. http://www.fce.vutbr.cz/PKO/matuszkova.r/Metodika%20pro%20predavani%20digitalni%20projektove%20dokumentace%20staveb%20pozemnich%20komunikaci%20pro%20uchovavani%20a%20spravu%20v%20datovych%20skladech.pdf. (metodika certifikovaná uplatněná)Detail