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Project detail
Duration: 1.1.2014 — 31.12.2016
Funding resources
Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty
On the project
The making of 3-dimensional nanostructured materials has become the most versatile area of research aiming at advanced materials with new fundamental and functional properties. The project seeks a new way to build self-assembled, versatile 3-D nanostructured metal-oxide, metal and metal-oxide-semiconductor films (nanofilms) by merging the benefits of advanced nanocomposite inorganic materials with the flexibility of electrochemistry-based techniques. The diversity of film designs and architectures will be explored through the synthesis of niobium-, tungsten- and aluminium-oxide-containing 3-D nanofilms via electrochemical anodizing and deposition treatments of superimposed Al, Nb and W layers on microelectronic substrates. The film formation-structure-property relationship will be determined to gain insight into undamental electrochemical, physical, optical, electron and ionic transport phenomena in the films in pursuit of tailoring film properties and discover functionalities for potential applications to advanced micro and nanodevices
Description in CzechVytváření 3-rozměrných nanostrukturovaných materiálů se stalo nejvšestrannější oblastí výzkumu zaměřeného na pokročilé materiály s novými základními a funkčními vlastnostmi. Projekt hledá nový způsob, jak vytvořit univerzální 3D nanostrukturované kov-oxide-kov a kov- oxid-polovodič vrstvy (nanovrstvy) sloučením výhod pokročilých anorganických nanokompozitních materiálů s flexibilitou elektrochemických technik. Rozmanitost návrhu a architektury vrstev budou zkoumány prostřednictvím syntézy oxidu niobu, wolframu a hliníku obsahující 3D nanovrstvy skrze elektrochemickou anodizaci a depozičních procedur superponovaných Al, Nb a W vrstev na mikroelektronických substrátech. Vztah formování -struktura-vlastnost vrstvy bude stanoven pro získání vhledu do základních elektrochemických, fyzikálních, optických, elektronových a iontových transportních jevů ve vrstvách ve snaze přizpůsobit vlastnosti vrstev a objevovat funkce pro potenciální aplikace v pokročilých mikro a nanosoučástkách.
Keywords nanotechnology, 3-D nanostructures, self-organized film, electrochemical anodizing, anodic oxide films, porous anodic alumina, aluminium, niobium, tungsten, metal oxides, ionic transport in anodic oxides, electrodeposition, electron transport, formation-structure-property relationship, microdevice
Key words in Czechnanotechnologie, 3D nanostruktury, samouspořádané vrstvy, elektrochemická anodizace, anodická vrstva oxidu, porezní anodická alumina, hliník, niob, wolfram, oxidy kovů, iontový přenos v anodickém oxidu, elektrodepozice, přenos elektronů, vztah vlastnosti formování-struktura, mikrosoučástka
Default language
People responsible
Mozalev Alexander, Dr. - principal person responsible
Central European Institute of Technology BUT- responsible department (26.1.2017 - not assigned)Central European Institute of Technology BUT- co-beneficiary (1.1.2014 - 31.12.2016)Smart Nanodevices- beneficiary (16.12.2013 - not assigned)
ŠIMŮNKOVÁ, H.; LEDNICKÝ, T.; WHITEHEAD, A.; KALINA, L.; ŠIMŮNEK, P.; HUBÁLEK, J. Tantalum-based nanotube arrays via porous-alumina-assisted electrodeposition from ionic liquid: Formation and electrical characterization. Applied Surface Science, 2021, vol. 548, no. 149264, p. 149264-149274. ISSN: 0169-4332.Detail
MOZALEV, A. Preparation of gold nanostructure arrays via porous-alumina-assisted anodizing/electrodeposition on mixed-metal substrates. Book of abstracts of the 11th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technologies (EMNT2016), 17-19 Aug. 2016. Brussels, Belgium: 2016. p. 5-5.Detail
MOZALEV, A.; BACCAR, H.; ABDELGHANI, A. Preparation and biosensing performance of porous-alumina-assisted gold nanostructures on substrates. In Eurosensors XXX International Conference. Procedia Engineering. Netherlands: Elsevier, 2016. p. 1188-1191. ISSN: 1877-7058.Detail
BENDOVÁ, M.; GISPERT-GUIRADO, F.; HASSEL, A.; LLOBET, E.; MOZALEV, A. Solar water splitting on porous-alumina-assisted TiO2-doped WOx nanorod photoanodes: Paradoxes and challenges. Nano Energy, 2017, no. 33, p. 72-87. ISSN: 2211-2855.Detail
BENDOVÁ, M.; HUBÁLEK, J.; MOZALEV, A. Exploring Electron Transport and Memristive Switching in Nanoscale Au/WOx/W Multijunctions Based on Anodically Oxidized Al/W Metal Layers. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, vol. 3, no. 19, p. 1600512-1600524. ISSN: 2196-7350.Detail
MOZALEV, A.; BENDOVÁ, M.; GISPERT-GUIRADO, F.; PYTLÍČEK, Z.; LLOBET, E. Metal-substrate-supported tungsten-oxide nanoarrays via porous-alumina-assisted anodization: from nanocolumns to nanocapsules and nanotubes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, vol. 21, no. 4, p. 8219-8232. ISSN: 2050-7488.Detail
MOZALEV, A.; BENDOVÁ, M.; VAZQUEZ, R.; PYTLÍČEK, Z.; LLOBET, E.; HUBÁLEK, J. Formation and gas-sensing properties of a porous-alumina-assisted 3-D niobium-oxide nanofilm. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, no. 229, p. 587-598. ISSN: 0925-4005.Detail
VASILIEV, A.; PISLIAKOV, A.; SOKOLOV, A.; SAMOTAEV, N.; SOLOVIEV, S.; OBLOV, K.; GUARNIERI, V.; LORENZELLI, L.; BRUNELLI, J.; MAGLIONE, A.; LIPILIN, A.; MOZALEV, A.; LEGIN, A. Non-silicon MEMS platforms for gas sensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, vol. 224, no. 1, p. 700-713. ISSN: 0925-4005.Detail
Tantalum nanotube arrays via porous-alumina-assisted electrodeposition from ionic liquid: Electrical characterization. In Tunisia: IOP Publishing Proceeding journals.Detail
KNÖRNSCHILD, G.; POZNYAK, A.; KAROZA, A.; MOZALEV, A. Effect of the anodization conditions on the growth and volume expansion of porous alumina films in malonic acid electrolyte. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2015, vol. 275, no. 1, p. 18-25. ISSN: 0257-8972.Detail
MOZALEV, A. Anodic Growth and Use of Highly Aligned Refractory Metal Oxide Nanostructures. Proceedings of NANOTECH Tunisia 2015 - International Nanotechnology Conference, 22-24 April 2015. Hammamet, Tunisia: 2015. p. 9-12.Detail
MOZALEV, A.; BENDOVÁ, M.; PYTLÍČEK, Z.; HUBÁLEK, J. The formation and properties of porous-anodic-alumina-assisted metal-oxide 3-D nanofilms for use in advanced micro-devices. Book of Abstracts of the VII Aluminium Surface, Science and Technology. 17-21 May 2015, Madeira Island, Portugal: 2015. p. 41-41.Detail
BENDOVÁ, M.; HASSEL, A.; MOZALEV, A. Photoelectrochemical Properties of Tungsten Oxide Nanotube Arrays via Porous-Alumina-Assisted Anodizing of Tungsten Layers. Book of Abstracts of the VII Aluminium Surface, Science and Technology, Madeira Island, 17-21 May 2015, Portugal. 2015. p. 64-64.Detail
BENDOVÁ, M.; HASSEL, A.; MOZALEV, A. Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting on Tungsten Oxide Nanorod Arrays via Anodizing Al/W Metal Layers. Proceedings of NANOTECH Tunisia 2015 - International Nanotechnology Conference, 22- 24 April 2015. Hammamet, Tunisia: 2015. p. 48-48.Detail
LEDNICKÝ, T.; MOZALEV, A. Optimization of Self-organized Growth of Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Templates for Capacitor Application. In Proceedings of NANOCON2015 - the 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application. TANGER spol. s r.o., 2015. p. 1-6. ISBN: 978-80-87294-59-8.Detail
LEDNICKÝ, T.; MOZALEV, A. ON THE GROWTH BEHAVIOR OF NANOPOROUS ANODIC FILMS ON ALUMINIUM IN CITRIC ACID ELECTROLYTES. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Electronic and Photonic Technologies (ADEPT 2015). 1. Žilina, Slovakia: University of Žilina, 2015. p. 202-205. ISBN: 978-80-554-1033-3.Detail
LEDNICKÝ, T.; MOZALEV, A. Effect of pretreatment parameters on the anodizing behaviour of Al foils in citric acid electrolytes. In CEITEC PhD Retreat, 23-24 April 2015, Valtice, Czech Republic. 1. Brno: Masaryk University, 2015. p. 100-100. ISBN: 978-80-210-7825-3.Detail
ŠIMŮNKOVÁ, H.; KALINA, L.; BOUŠEK, J.; MOZALEV, A. Electrical/dielectric properties of tantalum nanotube arrays via porous-alumina-assisted electrodeposition from ionic liquid. E-MRS Spring Meeting, Lille, France: 2015.Detail
Responsibility: Mozalev Alexander, Dr.