Project detail

Analysis of the technical acceptability of damage to the vehicles described in relation to an insured event

Duration: 28.03.2012 — 26.09.2012

Funding resources

Neveřejný sektor - Přímé kontrakty - smluvní výzkum, neveřejné zdroje
- whole funder (2012-03-28 - 2012-09-26)

On the project

Analýza dopravní nehody osobních vozidel VW Passat a VW Golf, ke které mělo dojít tak, že vozidlo Passat při průjezdu pravotočivé zatáčky přešlo do protisměru, kde se čelně srazilo s vozidlem Golf. Úkolem projektu bylo posouzení samotného nehodového děje a stanovení příčiny nehody v kontextu s výpověďmi účastníků nehody a jejich vzájemné srovnání resp. technická přijatelnost určená na základě markantů jako např. poškození vozidel, jejich vzájemná poloha po nehodě, rozptyl střepů a drobných úlomků, poloha a tvar případně absence brzdných a dřecích stop, poloha a směr uniknutých kapalin z vozidel aj. Úkolem Ústavu soudního inženýrství bylo dále přezkoumání šesti předešlých znaleckých posudků, které byli v tomto případě vypracovány a vyjádření se k závěrům, které v nich jejich zpracovatelé učinili. V daném případě šlo o velmi složitou analýzu, co bylo dáno faktem, že poškozená vozidla již nebyla k dispozici a zpracovatel posudku musel vycházen jen z málo rozsáhlé fotodokumentace pořízené PČR, z prohlídky a geodetického zaměření místa nehody. Analýza nehodového děje se pak skládala ze dvou hlavních částí. První byla důkladná a časově náročná analýza fotodokumentace a také úprava fotografií, při které byl využit grafický software pro zjištění jinak zřetelně neviditelných markantů. Na základě této analýzy pak byly porovnány výšková a směrová korespondence poškození vozidel a stopy na vozovce. Druhou podstatnou analytickou částí bylo provedení několika simulací pomocí programu VirtualCrash, které simulovaly pohyb vozidel do místa střetu a bezprostředně po něm a také sloužily pro ověření, zda byl nehodový děj technicky přijatelný a mohl se stát tak, jak jej popisovali účastníci dopravní nehody.

Description in English
The analysis of the traffic accident of two vehicles, VW Passat and VW Golf which cause should have been that the Passat while driving the right-hand curve went to the opposite direction, where it hit the Golf. The task of the project was judging of the accident itself and determining of the cause of the accident in the context of witnesses´ statements and their common comparison i.e. the technical acceptance determined on the basis of indications , for instance the damage of the vehicles, their common position after the accident, dispersion of fragments, the position and shape or the absence of brake and frictional prints, the position and direction of spilled liquids from the cars, etc. The task of the Institute of forensic engineering was the further investigation of previous 6 expert opinions, which were made in this case and statements to the conclusion, which were done by the investigators. In this case it was a really hard analysis because the vehicles were not available and the investigator had only a few fotodocumentation from the Police of the Czech Republic from the inspection and geodetic measurements from the place of the accident. The analysis of the crash accident had two main parts. The first one was detailed and ¨time-consuming analysis of the fotodocumentation and correction of the photos, in which graphic software was used for the investigation of otherwise invisible indications. On the basis of this analysis were further compared vertical and directional correspondence of the damage of the vehicles and prints on the road. The second significant analytical part was realization of some simulations by the VirtualCrash simulation software, which simulated the movement of the vehicles from the meeting point and also served for verifying whether the accident was technically acceptable and could happen as it was described by the persons involved in the accident. The analysis of the traffic accident of two vehicles, VW Passat and VW Golf, in Nučice which cause should have been that the Passat while driving the right-hand curve went to the opposite direction, where it hit the Golf. The task of the project was judging of the accident itself and determining of the cause of the accident in the context of witnesses´ statements and their common comparison i.e. the technical acceptance determined on the basis of indications , for instance the damage of the vehicles, their common position after the accident, dispersion of fragments, the position and shape or the absence of brake and frictional prints, the position and direction of spilled liquids from the cars, etc. The task of the Institute of forensic engineering was the further investigation of previous 6 expert opinions, which were made in this case and statements to the conclusion, which were done by the investigators. In this case it was a really hard analysis because the vehicles were not available and the investigator had only a few fotodocumentation from the Police of the Czech Republic from the inspection and geodetic measurements from the place of the accident. The analysis of the crash accident had two main parts. The first one was detailed and ¨time-consuming analysis of the fotodocumentation and correction of the photos, in which graphic software was used for the investigation of otherwise invisible indications. On the basis of this analysis were further compared vertical and directional correspondence of the damage of the vehicles and prints on the road. The second significant analytical part was realization of some simulations by the VirtualCrash simulation software, which simulated the movement of the vehicles from the meeting point and also served for verifying whether the accident was technically acceptable and could happen as it was described by the persons involved in the accident.

Osobní vozidlo, dopravní nehoda, pojistný podvod

Key words in English
Passenger vehicle, traffic accident, insurance fraud



Default language


People responsible

Belák Michal, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Krejčíř Pavel, Ing. - fellow researcher
Vémola Aleš, doc. Ing., Ph.D., dr. h. c. - fellow researcher
Semela Marek, doc. Ing. Bc., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Institute of Forensic Engineering
- (2012-03-28 - 2012-09-26)


BELÁK, M.; SEMELA, M.; VÉMOLA, A. Analýza technické přijatelnosti vzniku poškození na vozidlech ve vztahu k popisované pojistné události. 2012. s. 1-2.

BELÁK, M.; SEMELA, M.; VÉMOLA, A. Dopravní nehoda dvou osobních vozidel (4018). 2012. s. 1-14.