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Project detail
Duration: 01.09.2017 — 30.09.2022
Funding resources
Evropská unie - OP VVV PO2 Rozvoj výzkumně zaměřených studijních programů
- whole funder (2017-09-01 - 2022-09-30)
On the project
Projekt je zaměřen na vytvoření a akreditaci nového double-degree doktorského studijního programu Elektronika a informační technologie, který bude realizován ve spolupráci Vysokého učení technického v Brně a Technické univerzity v Tampere ve Finsku. Dále bude vytvořen a akreditován nový doktorský studijní program Informační bezpečnost. Cíle projektu budou v souladu se strategií VŠ, s požadavky znalostní ekonomiky a potřebami trhu práce v oblasti výzkumu a vývoje.
Description in EnglishThe aim of the project is in accordance with the long-term strategy of the applicant (see Annex 15 Identification of Liaison Points Between Strategic Objectives of BUT and Strategic Objectives of the OP VVV) and in accordance with RIS3 (Annex No. 9 Acknowledgment of Activities Continuity to the Strategic Objectives of the National RIS3 Strategy ) to create two new doctoral study programs that will help to improve the quality of teaching, its ties to the needs of practice and the internationalization of science and research. The first major goal of this project is the preparation and accreditation of the new double-degree doctoral study program Electronics and Information Technology (EIT-DD) in collaboration with Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Tampere, Finland. By preparing the EIT-DD program, we strive to respond to the ever-increasing demand of the industry for highly qualified IT professionals and scientists who have deep theoretical and practical experience with the design and application of new technological solutions for telecommunication equipment, information systems and support services . The implementation of a doctoral study program in cooperation with a foreign partner (TUT) in double-degree mode will also allow students to gain experience in solving advanced problems at international level. The students will be led by mentors from both partner universities, allowing them to engage in research projects and other scientific activities carried out at both sites. This will undoubtedly help to increase the motivation of students to submit their own scientific and research projects. The second main objective of the project is the creation and accreditation of the new doctoral study program Information Security (IBEP).
Keywordsdoktorský studijní program; double-degree; Elektronika a informační technologie; Informační bezpečnost
Key words in EnglishDoctoral study programme; double-degree; Electronics and information technologies; Information security
Default language
People responsible
Kubánek David, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsibleMišurec Jiří, prof. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible
Department of Telecommunications- beneficiary (2017-09-01 - 2022-09-30)