Project detail

Switch and Crossing Optimal Design and Evaluation

Duration: 1.11.2016 — 31.10.2019

Funding resources

Evropská unie - Horizon 2020

On the project

The S-CODE project sill identify radically different technology concepts that can be integrated together to achieve significantly improved performance for SC based around nex operating concepts (e.g. super-fast switching, self-heailing switch). The project will build on existing European and national research projects (in particular, the lighthouse project In2Rail, Capacity4Rail and Innotrack) to bring together technologies and concepts that will significantly reduce the constraints associated with existing switch technologies and develop a radically different solution.

switch; crossing; technology;



Default language


People responsible

Plášek Otto, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible



BOGHANI, H.; AMBUR, R.; BLUMENFELD, M.; SAADE, L.; GOODALL, R.; WARD, C.; PLÁŠEK, O.; GOFTON, N.; MORATA, M.; ROBERTS, C.; DIXON, R. Sensitivity enriched multi-criterion decision making process for novel railway switches and crossings - a case study. European Transport Research Review, 2021, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 1-14. ISSN: 1866-8887.

JANOŠTÍK, D.; NOHÁL, V.; SEELMANN, H.; SMUTNÝ, J. The Continuous Monitoring of Selected Railway Structures using the Autonomous Data Logger. Communications, 2020, vol. 22, no. 2, p. 88-96. ISSN: 1335-4205.

RAIF, L.; PLÁŠEK, O.; KOMÁREK, M.; MAREK, T.; MAJER, Z. PROJEKT S-CODE: NOVÉ KONCEPTY VÝHYBEK. In Súčasné problémy v kolajových vozidlách - PRORAIL 2019. Diel II. Žilina, Slovenská republika: VTS pri Žilinskej univerzite v Žiline, 2019. s. 155-162. ISBN: 978-80-89276-59-2.

PLÁŠEK, O.; SALAJKA, V.; ZELENKA, J.; KOHOUT, M.; RAIF, L.; MAREK, T.; VUKUŠIČ, I.; VUKUŠIČOVÁ, D. Nová generace výhybek a výhybkových konstrukcí – evropský projekt S-CODE. Nová železniční technika, 2019, roč. 27, č. 6, s. 14-22. ISSN: 1210-3942.

PLÁŠEK, O.; RAIF, L.; VUKUŠIČ, I.; SALAJKA, V.; ZELENKA, J. Design of new generation of switches and crossing. In Future trends in Civil Engineering. Zagreb, Croatia: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2019. p. 277-301. ISBN: 978-953-8168-36-9.

RAIF, L.; PLÁŠEK, O. Projekt S-CODE: Revoluční koncepty výhybek. Silnice a železnice, 2019, roč. 14, č. 2, s. 10-12. ISSN: 1801-822X.
