Project detail
Development of interdisciplinary doctoral study program Biomedical Technology and Bioinformatics
Duration: 01.07.2017 — 30.09.2022
Funding resources
Evropská unie - OP VVV PO2 Rozvoj výzkumně zaměřených studijních programů
- whole funder (2017-08-28 - 2022-09-30)
On the project
Rozvoj interdisciplinárního doktorského studijního programu Biomedicínské technologie a bioinformatika
Description in English
The main objective of the proposed project is to fundamentally modify the current Biomedical Technology and Bioinformatics Study Program in the form of its restructuring and subsequent re-accreditation in order to better reflect current labor market needs in the area of multidisciplinary research and development and to include modern and effective forms of education within the research- program in English. The development of the program will lead to a more attractive choice for talented candidates and will in particular lead to the graduates' wider and more efficient use in the labor market, both in research and development companies and in national and international research institutions. The themes of the dissertation will be formulated across the spectrum of technical, medical and biological sciences, thanks to the strongly multidisciplinary character of the developed study program.
The sub-objectives that will lead to the development of the current program include the following:
- Design and introduction of a new structure of modern scientific subjects.
- Introduction of English as the main communication language of the program.
- Design and introduction of a new, modern and highly motivated point system for study evaluation.
- Implementation of internships and internships of excellent PhD students at renowned professional institutions and foreign universities.
- Introduction of interdisciplinary themes of dissertations across the spectrum of technical, medical and biological disciplines.
- Creating new modern teaching materials.
- Creating a concept and realization of the involvement of bachelor and master students in research activities in the innovated program.
Interdisciplinární výzkum; biomedicínské technologie; bioinformatika; buněčná biologie
Key words in English
Interdisciplinary research; biomedical technology; Bioinformatics; cellular biology
Default language
People responsible
Provazník Valentine, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Department of Biomedical Engineering
- beneficiary (2016-01-01 - 2022-12-31)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
- responsible department (2016-08-29 - 2016-08-29)