Project detail

Pressure-less rapid rate sintering of advanced ceramic materials

Duration: 1.3.2018 — 28.2.2019

Funding resources

Vysoké učení technické v Brně - Vnitřní projekty VUT

- whole funder (1. 1. 2018 - 31. 12. 2019)

On the project

The primary aim of the project is the study of the densification mechanisms during rapid rate sintering of advanced ceramic materials in a specially designed pressure-less furnace. Sequential sintering of ceramic bodies will result in densification curves, grain size and pore size evolution. Based on gained knowledge, densification theory will be proposed and the most optimal annealing and sintering conditions will be chosen in order to prepare relatively large, dense, non-defective and fine-grained ceramics.



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People responsible

Prajzler Vladimír, Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Maca Karel, prof. RNDr., Dr. - fellow researcher
Spusta Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher


Central European Institute of Technology BUT
- responsible department (25.2.2019 - not assigned)
Central European Institute of Technology BUT
- beneficiary (1.1.2018 - 31.12.2018)


PRAJZLER, V.; PRŮŠA, S.; MACA, K. Rapid pressure-less sintering of fine grained zirconia ceramics: Explanation and elimination of a core-shell structure. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, vol. 39, no. 16, p. 5309-5319. ISSN: 0955-2219.