Project detail

Influence of infants and children lungs development on flow field and aerosol deposition– computational modelling and experimental validation

Duration: 1.1.2020 — 31.12.2022

Funding resources

Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty

On the project

The proposed project will focus on the flow field and aerosol transport and deposition in developing infants and children respiratory tract to elucidate whether and how different breathing profiles will impact on the aerosol deposition. Several age groups of infants and children ranging from several weeks until 5 year will be studied in vitro and in silico using computational modelling and experiments. For computational modelling several model will be used, namely RANS models, Large Eddy Simulation and Direct Numerical Simulation. Classical CFD codes based on control volumes will be used linked with Euler-Lagrange and Euler-Euler approach for particles tracking. Also lattice Boltzmann technique in cooperation with Karlsruhe lattice Boltzmann group in Germany will be applied and further developed for LES and DNS simulations. Experimental research will use a unique breathing simulator and several optical diagnostic methods like PDA, LDV and fluorescence technique for particles deposition.

infants and children lungs;flow field; aerosol; deposition; computational modelling;experiments; lattice Boltzmann;LES; DNS



Default language


People responsible

Jícha Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible


Energy Institute
- responsible department (28.3.2019 - not assigned)
Energy Institute
- beneficiary (28.3.2019 - not assigned)


PRINZ, F.; POKORNÝ, J.; ELCNER, J.; LÍZAL, F.; MIŠÍK, O.; MALÝ, M.; BĚLKA, M.;HAFEN N; KUMMERLÄNDER A.; KRAUSE M.; JEDELSKÝ, J.; JÍCHA, M.;. Comprehensive experimental and numerical validation of Lattice Boltzmann fluid flow and particle simulations in a child respiratory tract. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 2024, vol. 170, no. 107994, ISSN: 0010-4825.

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LÍZAL, F.; ELCNER, J.; BĚLKA, M.; JEDELSKÝ, J.; JÍCHA, M. Experimental and Computational Modelling of Aerosol Transport Using the BUT Benchmark Human Lung Model. ERCOFTAC Bulletin 128, September 2021, 2021, vol. 128, no. 1, p. 36-43. ISSN: 2518-0991.

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PRINZ, F.; ELCNER, J.; POKORNÝ, J.; JÍCHA, M. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition in a Constricted Tube. In 39TH MEETING OF DEPARTMENTS OF FLUID MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023. p. 1-8. ISBN: 978-0-7354-4325-9.

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