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Project detail
Duration: 1.9.2021 — 31.8.2023
Funding resources
Evropská unie - Horizon 2020
On the project
With silicon-based electronics nearing its limits, spintronics and quantum computing have emerged as technologies promising unprecedented amounts of computational power. One of the biggest challenges in these fields is engineering of systems allowing full control over large arrays of identical spin-centres. In this project I aim to tackle this issue by fabricating a spintronic device in which one of the crucial parameters - the magnetic coupling between individual spin centres - can be efficiently modulated. This will be achieved by synthesizing a magnetic metal-organic network on top of a graphene fieldeffect transistor. Here, the metal-organic network allows precise positioning of magnetic atoms into long-range-ordered lattices, and the gated graphene substrate enables precise tuning of the charge transfer from the deposited molecules via the applied gate voltage. Thus, this project simultaneously addresses practical issues in device fabrication, as well as the fundamental mechanisms of magnetic coupling.
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People responsible
Jakub Zdeněk, Dr. techn. - principal person responsibleČechal Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Molecular Nanostructures at Surfaces- responsible department (8.9.2020 - not assigned)Molecular Nanostructures at Surfaces- beneficiary (8.9.2020 - not assigned)
JAKUB, Z.; TRLLOVÁ SHAHSAVAR, A.; PLANER, J.; HRŮZA, D.; HERICH, O.; PROCHÁZKA, P.; ČECHAL, J. How the Support Defines Properties of 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks: Fe-TCNQ on Graphene versus Au(111). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, vol. 146, no. 5, p. 3471-3482. ISSN: 1520-5126.Detail
JAKUB, Z.; KUROWSKÁ, A.; HERICH, O.; ČERNÁ, L.; KORMOŠ, L.; SHAHSAVAR, A.; PROCHÁZKA, P.; ČECHAL, J. Remarkably stable metal-organic frameworks on an inert substrate: M-TCNQ on graphene (M = Ni, Fe, Mn). Nanoscale, 2022, vol. 14, no. 26, p. 9507-9515. ISSN: 2040-3372.Detail
Responsibility: Jakub Zdeněk, Dr. techn.