Project detail
Plně parametrizovatelný invertor se zabezpečeným nastavením a komunikačním protokolem
Duration: 1.1.2022 — 30.6.2024
Funding resources
Technologická agentura ČR - 4. Veřejná soutěž THÉTA
On the project
Vývoj funkčního vzorku/prototypu invertoru s možností plné parametrizace jeho nastavení dle požadavků na připojení (PPDS, RfG) v místě instalace a otevřeným (zabezpečeným) komunikačním protokolem pro nastavení komunikace a řízení bateriového uložiště.
Description in English
The project aims to develop functional sample / prototype inverter with full parameterization of its settings according to the connection request (PPDS, RFG) at the installation site and open (secured) communication protocol for communication setup and management of battery storage. The development of the inverter will be based on products/inverters which are in the production portfolio of the partner of the main solver of the project (long-term cooperation on the development of inverters with Fimer/ABB), with a power range of 10 - 30 kVA, which are suitable for installation of production modules of category A (up to 100 kW) or category B1 (up to 1 MW - generatig module composed of several generating sources/inverters of category A).
invertor; akumulace; komunikační protokol; konektivita
Key words in English
inverter, accumulation, communication protocol, connectivity, RfG, electrical network support
Default language
People responsible
Mastný Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Morávek Jan, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Ptáček Michal, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Department of Electrical Power Engineering
- responsible department (21.4.2021 - not assigned)
Department of Electrical Power Engineering
- beneficiary (1.1.2022 - 30.6.2024)
MASTNÝ, P.; MORÁVEK, J.; VOJTEK, M.; VRÁNA, M.; VRTAL, M. Impact of Charging Stations on Voltage Quality - Island and Grid Operation of Real Installation. In 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023). IET conference proceedings. Rome: IET, 2023. p. 3126-3131. ISBN: 978-1-83953-855-1. ISSN: 2732-4494.
VOJTEK, M.; MASTNÝ, P.; MORÁVEK, J.; DRÁPELA, J.; VRÁNA, M.; DVOŘÁČEK, J. Recent Challenges Regarding the Verification of Photovoltaic Inverters Properties and their Compliance with Technical Requirements. ACTA POLYTECH HUNG, 2023, vol. 20, no. 11, p. 63-82. ISSN: 1785-8860.
VOJTEK, M.; MASTNÝ, P.; MORÁVEK, J.; DRÁPELA, J.; VRÁNA, M. Verification of photovoltaic inverters properties and their compliance with grid code requirements in the Czech Republic. In Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2022. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2022. p. 204-209. ISBN: 978-80-553-4104-0.
Responsibility: Mastný Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.