Project detail

REaL-tIme characterization of ANisotropic Carbon-based tEchnological fibres, films and composites (RELIANCE)

Duration: 1.2.2023 — 31.1.2027

Funding resources

Evropská unie - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

On the project

RELIANCE brings together a consortium of leading international experts in X-ray scattering, imaging and automatized analysis of scattering data, 3D reconstruction algorithms and automatized analysis of imaging data and Materials Applications, with industrial leaders in manufacturing and application of high-performance polymer materials, and in highly specialized X-ray instrumentation and scientific data acquisition and analysis.

Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering; X-ray Imaging; X-ray Tomography



Default language


People responsible

Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Břínek Adam, Ing. - fellow researcher


Advanced instrumentation and methods for material characterization
- responsible department (9.5.2022 - not assigned)
Advanced instrumentation and methods for material characterization
- beneficiary (9.5.2022 - not assigned)