Project detail

Development of a waste-free technology using a modified Solid recovery fuels (SRF) to reduce the environmental burden in the production of heat and electricity in conventional sources.

Duration: 01.02.2023 — 31.12.2025

Funding resources

Technologická agentura ČR - 5. Veřejná soutěž THÉTA

- whole funder

On the project

Projekt je zaměřen na vývoj technologie přípravy a zpracování TAP pro přímé spalování v klasických zdrojích elektrické energie. Základní pozornost bude věnována úpravě TAP tak aby bylo možné kogenerativním způsobem produkovat energii a zároveň docházelo k výrobě uplatnitelného reaktivního produktu, bez nutnosti deponování zbytkových odpadů.

Description in English
The aim of this research is development the optimal composition of alternative solid recovery fuels in terms of the properties of solid by products used in civil engineering. This research is essential not only in terms of central heat and electricity supply to the population, which is mainly realized from plants combusting coal and gas, which will not be supported any more. Those fuels can be substituted with alternative fuels and biomass. Given research is also important in terms of essential resources for civil engineering. The alternative fuels contains a large amounts of harmful pollutants, which may condense on the ash, when the flue gas is cooled, and may remain trapped, fixed or solidified in it so that they are not released during further use.

Key words in English
Solid Recovery Fuels, Coal Combustion Products, Enviromental Harmlessness, Processing Technology, Materials for Building Products, Substitution of Primary Materials



Default language


People responsible

Dvořák Karel, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Institute of Technology of Building Materials and Components
- co-beneficiary (2022-07-19 - not assigned)