AdMaS - dotace 12/2010 AdMaS - dotace
AdMaS Centrála VaV AdMaS Centrála VaV
AdMaS Division DST AdMaS Division DST
AdMaS Division EGAR AdMaS EGAR
AdMaS Divize TSH AdMaS TSH
Railway Structures and Constructions AdMaS ZEL-AdMaS
Road Structures AdMaS PKO-AdMaS
Geotechnics AdMaS GTN-AdMaS
Microenvironmental and building services engineering AdMaS TZB-AdMaS
AdMaS EGAR - Municipal Water Management EGAR - VHO
Concrete and Masonry Structures AdMaS BZK-AdMaS
Technology of Building Materials and Component AdMaS THD-AdMaS
Building Structures AdMaS PST-AdMaS
AdMaS TSH - Technology of Building Materials and Component TSH - THD
Landscape Water Management AdMaS VHK-AdMaS
Municipal Water Management AdMaS VHO-AdMaS
Advanced Biomaterials RG-2-07
Advanced Ceramic Materials RG-2-01
Structure and Phase Analysis RG-2-05
X-ray Micro CT and Nano CT RG-1-06
Advanced Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials RG-2-06
Advanced Metallic Materials and Metal Based Composites RG-2-04
Advanced Multifunctional Ceramics RG-2-11
Advanced Polymers and Composites RG-2-03
Department of Aeronautical Test NETME AAT AT
Department of Composite Structure NETME AAT CS
Bioelectronics Materials and Systems RG-2-08
Core Facility RP2 CF-2-50
Studio of Body Design ATD
Campus Maintenance FAST-SA
Center of Electron and Photon optics NCC optics
Central European Institute of Technology BUT CEITEC
Centre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources CVVOZE
Continuing Education and Counselling Centre CECC
Computer and Information Services Centre CIS
Centre of New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering NETME Centre
Centre of Sensor, Information and Communication Systems SIX
Centre of Sports Activities CESA
Centrum AdMaS CAdMaS
Centrum AdMaS - VP1 - MSH AdMaS VP1 MSH
Centrum AdMaS - VP1 - TSH AdMaS VP1 TSH
Centrum AdMaS - VP2 - EGAR AdMaS VP2 EGAR
Centrum AdMaS - VP2 - KCE AdMaS VP2 KCE
Centrum materiálového výzkumu CMV - CMV
Computer Centre CVT
Computer Centre VC
Core Facility CF-1-50
Cybernetics and Robotics RG-3-02
NCC MESTEC - Industrial Automation and Digitalization Division NCC MESTEC - IADD
Materials for Sensors RG-2-02
Dean's office
FA Děkanát
Dean's Office DFIT
Dean's Office DO
Dean´s Office FAST Děkanát
Dean´s Office of the Faculty of Fine Arts
Dean's Office - Student Affairs Department FEECDO SO
Dean's office - Vice-Dean for Science and Research FP-D-VVDS
Dean's office
- Dean FP-D-děkan
Dean's Office of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication FEKT Děkanát
Dean's Office of the Faculty of Chemistry
Děkanát FA - sekretariát SD
Department of Theoretic Studies and History of Art
Department of Audiovisual Technology KAT
NCC Engineering - Production Machines Division NCC Eng - PMD
Department of Biomedical Engineering UBMI
Department of budgeting and financing Department of B. & F.
NCC NaCCAS - Aircraft Division NCC NaCCAS - ACD
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia DCGM
Department of Computer Systems DCSY
Department of Control and Instrumentation UAMT
Department of Design UN
Department of Design I. UN1
Department of Design III. UN3
Department of Design IV. UN4
Department of Design V. UN5
Department of Design VI. UN6
Department of Internal Systems CIS - Internal Systems
Department of Drawing UZ
Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology UETE
Department of Electrical Power Engineering UEEN
Department of Engineering US
Department of experimental design DED
Department of Expertise in Civil Engineering and Real Estate Appraisal OON
Department of Expertise in Mechanical Engineering, Analysis of Traffic Accidents and Vehicle Assessment OAN
Department of Foreign Languages UJAZ
Department of Information Systems DIFS
Department of Intelligent Systems DITS
Foreign Relations Department RE-OIM
Department of internationalization Dep.of international
Department of Investment and Assets RE-IO
Technology Transfer Office RE-OTZ
Department of Mathematics UMAT
Department of Microelectronics UMEL
Department of Monument Care UPP
Department of Physics UFYZ
Department of Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering UVEE
Division of Production Systems NETME DPS
Department of project support Dep.of project support
Technology Transfer Office RE-OPPTZ
Department of Radio Electronics UREL
Department of Risk Engineering OIR
Department of Spatial Design UPT
NCC Energy - Special Fluid Machines Division NCC En - FMD
Department of Telecommunications UTKO
Department of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering UTEE
Department of Theory UT
Department of Traditional Media KTM
Department of Urban Design UU
Division of Autonomous Vehicles and Alternative Drives NETME DAV
Dept. of Aircraft Design IAE DAD
Dept. of Applied Computer Science IACS ACS
Dept. of Automation IACS DA
Dept. of Energy Harvesting and Sensing Systems ISMMB DEHSS
Dept. of Ceramics and Polymers IMSE DCP
Dept. of Condition Monitoring IMID DCM
Dept. of Electrical Engineering IPMSR DEE
Dept. of Kinematics and Dynamics ÚMTMB OIM
Dept. of Foundry Engineering IMT DFE
Dept. of Handling and Building Machines IAE DHBM
Dept. of Industrial Design IMID DID
Dept. of Powertrain IAE DP
Dept. of Machine Design IMD DMD
Dept. of Machining Technology IMT DMT
Dept. of Mechanics and Design of Materials IMSE DMDM
Dept. of Metal Forming and Plastics IMT DMFP
Dept. of Metal Materials IMSE DMM
Dept. of Metrology and Quality Management ÚVSSR-o.MŘJ
Dept. of Micromechanics of Materials and Engineering Acoustics IPE DMMEA
Dept. of Motor Vehicles and Tractors ITE DMVT
Dept. of Solid State Physics and Surfaces IPE DSSPS
Dept. of Power Engineering EI DPE
Dept. of Process Engineering IPE DPE
Dept. of Production Machines IPMSR DPM
Dept. of Quality, Reliability and Safety IPMSR DQRS
Dept. of Reverse Engineering and Additive Technologies IMID DREAT
Dept. of Statistics and Optimization IM DSO
Dept. of Structural and Phase Analysis IMSE DSPA
Dept. of Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering EI DTEE
Dept. of Welding Technology and Surface Treatment IMT DWTST
Development of Methods for Analysis RG-1-05
Division of Advanced Metallic Materials NETME AMM
Division of Energy, Processes and Ecology NETME PPE
Division of Mathematics NETME DMA
Division of Mechanics NETME DME
Division of Virtual Modeling, Design and Testing NETME VMDT
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science FEECS
Energy Institute EI
Studio of Environment
Epitaxial Materials and Nanostructures RG-1-15
Experimental Biophotonics RG-1-03
Fabrication and Characteris. of Nanostr. RG-1-04
Faculty of Architecture FA
Faculty of Business and Management FBM
Faculty of Civil Engineering FCE
Faculty of Fine Arts FFA
Faculty of Chemistry FCH
Faculty of Information Technology FIT
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering FME
Faculty of Technology FT UTB
FEEC - internal transfers
The Senate AS FaVU
Finance Office EO
Future Energy and Innovation RG-1-18
General department Odbor všeobecný
Studio of Grahpic Design 2 AGD2
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory LFFHT
Institute of Aerospace Engineering IAE
Institute of Automation and Computer Science IACS
Institute of Automotive Engineering IAE
Institute of Building Services TZB
Institute of Building Structures PST
Institute of Building Testing SZK
Institute of Computer Aided Engineering and Computer Science AIU
Institute of Concrete and Masonry Structures BZK
Institute of Construction Ú6
Institute of Economics ÚE
Institute of Finances ÚF
Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology ÚCHPBT
Institute of Foreign Languages IFL
Institute of Forensic Engineering IFE
Institute of Geodesy GED
Institute of Geotechnics GTN
Institute of Chemistry CHE
Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection ÚCHTOŽP
Institute of Informatics ÚI
Institute of Landscape Water Management VHK
Institute of Machine and Industrial Design IMID
Institute of Management ÚM
Institute of Manufacturing Technology IMT
Institute of Materials Science ÚCHM
Institute of Materials Science and Engineering IMSE
Institute of Mathematics IM
Institute of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry MAT
Institute of Metal and Timber Structures KDK
Institute of Metrology and Quality Assurance Testing ÚMZ
Institute of Municipal Water Management VHO
Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry ÚFSCH
Institute of Physical Engineering IPE
Institute of Physics FYZ
Institute of Postgraduate Studies – Brno Business School BBS
Institute of Process Engineering IPE
Institute of Production Machines, Systems and Robotics IPMSR
Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions ZEL
Institute of Road Structures PKO
Institute of Social Sciences SPV
Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics ISMMB
Institute of Structural Economics and Management EKR
Institute of Structural Mechanics STM
Institute of Technology, Mechanisation and Construction Management TST
Institute of Technology of Building Materials and Components THD
Institute of Theory of Town Planning Ú4
Institute of Water Structures VST
Institute of Water Structures VST-VST
Laboratoř ÚCHM Laboratoř ÚCHM
Laser spectroscopy RG-1-16
Magneto-Optical and THz Spectroscopy RG-1-12
Section of Manufacturing Technology NETME M MT
Marketing and External Relations Department RE-OMVV
Materials Research Centre CMV
Molecular Nanostructures at Surfaces RG-1-13
MRC - laboratory of biocolloids MRC - biocolloids lab
MRC - laboratory of bioplastics MRC - bioplastics lab
MRC - laboratory of biotechnology and biomaterials research MRC - biotech lab
MRC - laboratory of inorganic materials MRC - inorganic lab
MRC - laboratory of metals and corrosion MRC - metals lab
MRC - laboratory of organic electronics and photonics MRC - OE lab
MRC laboratory of bioplastics Bioplastics
MRC laboratory of biotechnology Biotechnology
MRC Laboratory of synthesis of advanced materials MRC LSAM
Nanomagnetism and spintronics RG-1-14
Section of Power Engineering NETME PPE PoE
Section of Mechanics NETME AMM Mech
NCC Energy - Process Engineering Division NCC en - PED
Section of Thermodynamics NETME PPE T
Subdivision of Engines NETME AAT E
Section of Advanced Metal Materials NETME AMM AMM
Section of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics NETME VMDT MTB
Section of Machine and Industrial Design NETME VMDT KPD
NCC NaCCAS - Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Division NCC NaCCAS - HTFF
NeTME - division of Aircraft and Automotive Technology NeTME d. AAT
NeTME - division of Energy, Processes and Ecology NeTME d. EPE
NeTME - division of Mechatronics NeTME d. M
NeTME - division of Virtual Modeling, Design and Testing NeTME d. VMDT
Network Department CIS ‒ Network
Office for Internal and External Relations OVV
Optoelectronic Characterisation of Nanostructures RG-1-07
Studio of Painting II. AM2
Studio of Performance
Plasma Technologies for Materials RG-2-09
Project Support Centre PSC
Project Support Office DO PSO
Quantum Optical Technology RG-1-17
Re-Creative Development Office RE-OVaV
Rector's Office RE-KancR
Rector's Office RO
Rector's office - Bursar RE-kvestor
Rector's Office - Finance Division RE-KV-EO
Research Centre of Information Technology RCIT
Ředitelství SKM KAMB-řed.
Science Support Office Science Supp. Off.
Secretariat ODDSEK
Section of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Division NETME HFD
Smart Factory Core Facility RG-3-01
Submicron Systems and Nanodevices RG-1-02
Studio of Sculpture 2
Správa areálů FAST - Veveří 2810
Středoevropský technologický institut CEITEC
Student Affairs Department RE-OSZ
Video Studio AVI
Studios and Sections of the FFA
Subdivision of Transport and Transport Logistic NETME AAT TTL
Sustainable process integration laboratory NETME SPIL
Technology Transfer Office RE-OPPaTT
Ústav architektury ARC
Ústavy fakulty architektury 5500
ÚVS-Laboratoř vodohosp.výzkumu VST-LVV
Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering EI DFE
X 07 Rector's Office - Technology Transfer X 07 RE-Pr-ÚTT