Project detail

Calibration-free for spark OES

Duration: 1.1.2023 — 31.12.2026

Funding resources

Technologická agentura ČR - 2. veřejná soutěž: Program Národní centra kompetence

On the project

In this project we aim to develop a calibration-free (CF) models based on thorough understanding of plasma properties and its spatio-temporal behavior. As an outcome, the proven technology for quantification of selected analytes (e.g., Mg, Mn, Cr) in various matrices (Al-, Cu- and Fe- based alloys) will be delivered. On top of that, we aim to develop a laser-assisted spark discharge system (LA-SD-OES). This combination goes beyond current state-of-the-art and represents a promising alternative to standard spark systems.




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People responsible

Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Advanced instrumentation and methods for material characterization
- responsible department (16.3.2023 - not assigned)
Advanced instrumentation and methods for material characterization
- beneficiary (16.3.2023 - not assigned)