Project detail

European Universities Linking Society and Technology (EULiST)

Duration: 1.11.2023 — 31.10.2027

Funding resources

Evropská unie - Erasmus+

On the project

The ten EULiST Members will contribute to solving global challenges such as climate change and social cohesion by sharing their diverse experiences and competencies, thus creating connections and methods to integrate society and technology that one institution, one sector, or one country could not do alone. EULiST's diversity brings with it a range of experiences and problem-solving approaches that we will compare, share and, where appropriate, integrate into our respective areas of work. Students in STEM subjects or the humanities and social sciences, including non-traditional and life-long learners, will graduate from EULiST courses and programmes with knowledge and skills that enable them to address societal and global challenges by combining scientific and technical knowledge with knowledge from the social sciences and humanities. A challenge-based approach to learning, including projects carried out in collaboration with our respective regional partners, will equip our students with the knowledge they need to make a difference in a rapidly changing world. EULiST Research & Innovation will address the challenges of climate change and social cohesion. Science communication and collaboration with the broader public at local and global levels, e.g. via Innovation Hubs as well as open and living labs, will ensure that EULiST activities remain relevant and build and maintain trust in science. EULiST`s Digital Campus supports and centers these activities in a digital Knowledge Hub, a new form of library, based on the pooled potential of ten libraries, including the world's largest technical library. The EULiST Knowledge Hub will store, generate, process and make knowledge available to various academic and social target groups via innovative approaches. Our strategy is based on a bottom-up approach with committed and enthusiastic staff, students and stakeholders ready to embrace new ideas, learn from mistakes and contribute new knowledge: "Our present, your future".

society, technology, SDGs, climate action, green tech, inter-university campus, knowledge hub,diversity, gender, language policy, student board, challenge-based learning, regions, knowledge square


Partnerships for Excellence – European Universities – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV

Default language


People responsible

Šimberová Iveta, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Očko Martin, Ing. - fellow researcher
Tesařová Mariana, Ing. et Ing., M.Sc. - fellow researcher


Department of internationalization
- responsible department (24.11.2023 - not assigned)
Department of Internationalization and Marketing
- responsible department (23.11.2023 - 23.11.2023)
Department of Internationalization and Marketing
- responsible department (25.7.2023 - 23.11.2023)
Department of Marketing
- responsible department (23.11.2023 - 24.11.2023)
Department of internationalization
- co-beneficiary (1.11.2023 - 31.10.2027)
Department of Internationalization and Marketing
- beneficiary (25.7.2023 - not assigned)
