Project detail

CHIPS of Europe - Creating Higher Education-Industry Programmes for the Semiconductor Industry of Europe

Duration: 1.6.2024 — 31.5.2028

Funding resources

Evropská unie - Digital Europe Programme

On the project

The project aims on two goals. First to update and improve recent study programmes dealing with semiconductor technology according to industry demands and also implementation of microcredientals. Second to attract more high-school students to study semiconductor technology programmes. Among these activities are lectures, open-days, company days, competitions etc.

education, industry, semiconductor technology, chip design, nanotechnology, university, high-school, virtual labs



Default language


People responsible

Háze Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Fujcik Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Průša Stanislav, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc. - fellow researcher


Department of Microelectronics
- responsible department (19.9.2023 - not assigned)
Fabrication and Characteris. of Nanostr.
- co-beneficiary (1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027)
Department of Microelectronics
- beneficiary (19.9.2023 - not assigned)