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Project detail
Duration: 01.04.2024 — 31.07.2024
Funding resources
Ministerstvo financí ČR - Fondy EHP a Norska 2014-2021: Bilaterální vztahy
- whole funder
On the project
A reliable and safe transport infrastructure is one of Europe's priorities to ensure its economic and environmental sustainability. The growing volume of aging structures emphasize the need for advanced reliability and load-bearing capacity assessment. Crucial aspects of these analyses are the use of advanced material models, accurate consideration of uncertainties in the input data, and performing structural analysis using a global nonlinear approach. The consideration of uncertainties in structural engineering is a growing topic as it provides valuable information on reliability of structures over time while addressing life-cycle aspects. Both research teams have long been working in the field of structural safety and reliability, but the research directions are not identical, rather complementary. Therefore, the initiative proposes a platform for mutual knowledge sharing, expert discussion of the subject matter and establishment of professional collaboration in the form of two seminars organized at both universities. The seminars will include lectures by 3+3 experts from both countries, followed by an expert panel discussion and a technical tour to testing laboratories or specialized field sites.
KeywordsStructural engineering, reliability, sustainability, uncertainties, seminars, knowledge sharing.
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People responsible
Lehký David, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Institute of Structural Mechanics- beneficiary (2023-12-09 - not assigned)