Project detail

Stability of Hydrogenated Graphene in Nanoelectronics Studied by Scanning Probe Microscopy

Duration: 1.1.2025 — 31.12.2027

Funding resources

Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty

On the project

Hydrogenation of graphene (HG) is the simplest functionalization opening the bandgap energy required in logic electronics. Conversely, the dehydrogenation of HG by electrons can be a onestep high-resolution resistless lithography. However, these applications are overshadowed by instability of hydrogenation over time, the reasons of which are not clearly explained yet. This project proposes for the first time to study the stability of HG on an electronic device under current using simultaneous transport and Kelvin probe/conductive atomic force microscopy which should be effective in the direct recognition of HG in contrast to conventional Raman not distinguishing defects from HG. During hydrogenation, home-made atomic sources with precise control of the energy and composition of hydrogen particles under UHV conditions will be used. The work should explain the fundamental mechanisms of hydrogenation and propose ways how to stabilize HG in real nanoelectronics.

hydrogenation; graphene; stability; SPM; KPFM; cAFM; electronic properties; ion/atomic sources; resist-free lithography



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People responsible

Bartošík Miroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Institute of Physical Engineering
- responsible department (27.3.2024 - not assigned)
Institute of Physical Engineering
- beneficiary (27.3.2024 - not assigned)