Project detail

A program syst,m to ensure obtaining the required microstructure of a casting

Duration: 01.01.1998 — 31.12.1999

Funding resources

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - KONTAKT

- whole funder

On the project

Description in English
A 3-D original numerical model of a concasting blank temperature field and an original numerical model of dendritic segregation of elements had been assembled. A cooperation of both numerical models allows to optimize of concasting technology. Verification of technological impacts of optimization resulting from both models will be made at real industrial CCM with use of the system of quality prediction verified by the applicant. On the basis of models od feeding and simulation of nucleation and growth of solidus the metallurgical structure of the casting can be predicted. Application of WIN-EX system as a module for structure evaluation and of solidification simulation seems to be optimal.


ME 253

Default language


People responsible

Kavička František, prof. Ing., CSc. - fellow researcher
Čech Jaroslav, prof. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- (1980-01-01 - not assigned)


KAVIČKA, F., ŠTĚTINA, J., STRÁNSKÝ, K., RAMÍK, P., HEGER, J., DOBROVSKÁ, J., VELIČKA, B. The investigation of concasting using two numerical models. In Zbornik referatov 42. Livarskega Posvetovanja. Portorož, Slovenia: Univerza v Ljubljani, 2002. p. 99 ( p.)

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KAVIČKA, F., ŠTĚTINA, J., STRÁNSKÝ, K., DOBROVSKÁ, V., DOBROVSKÁ, J., HEGER, J. Numerical analysis and optimization of an industrial concasting process. In Proceedings of ASDA2002 Engineering systems design and analysis conference. Istambul: ASME International Turkey Section, 2002. p. 24 ( p.)

ŠTĚTINA, J., KAVIČKA, F., HEGER, J. The influence of thermophysical properties on a numerical model of solidification. In Proceedings of The 2002 ASME pressure vessels and piping conference. New York: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002. p. 147 ( p.)ISBN: 0-7918-1949-3.

ŠTĚTINA, J., KAVIČKA, F., DOBROVSKÁ, J., HEGER, J. The importance of thermophysical properties for the accuracy of the numerical simulation of a concasting process. In Book of Abstracts of The Sixteenth European Conference on Thermophysical Properties. London: Imperial College and the National Physical Laboratory London, 2002. p. 319 ( p.)

KAVIČKA, F., STRÁNSKÝ, K., ŠTĚTINA, J., DOBROVSKÁ, V., DOBROVSKÁ, J., VELIČKA, B. Two numerical models of a continuously cast steel slab. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 2002, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 266 ( p.)ISSN: 1335-1532.

DOBROVSKÁ, J., DOBROVSKÁ, V., KAVIČKA, F., STRÁNSKÝ, K., ŠTĚTINA, J., HEGER, J., VELIČKA, B., CAMEK, L. Industrial Application of two numerical models in concasting technology. In Proceedings of Seventh international conference on the Damage and Fracture Mecchanics VII. Southampton, UK: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK, WIT Press, 2002. p. 183 ( p.)ISBN: 1-85312-926-7.

DOBROVSKÁ, J., DOBROVSKÁ, V., KAVIČKA, F., STRÁNSKÝ, K. Tepelné a difúzní procesy při tuhnutí a chladnutí plynule lité ocelové bramy. In Zborník 5. vedeckotechnickej konferencie Materiál v inženierskej praxi 2002. Košice: Technická Univezita Košice, Zvaz hutníctva, tažobného priemyslu a geodézie SR, 2002. s. 45 ( s.)

KAVIČKA, F., ŠTĚTINA, J., STRÁNSKÝ, K., DOBROVSKÁ, J., DOBROVSKÁ, V., VELIČKA, B., HEGER, J., CAMEK, L. Optimisation of a concasting technology. In Proceedings of XII. International scientific conference Iron and Steelmaking. Ostrava: VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2002. p. 123 ( p.)ISBN: 80-248-0206-6.

KAVIČKA, F., ŠTĚTINA, J., STRÁNSKÝ, K., DOBROVSKÁ, J., HEGER, J. Optimization of a concasting technology by two numerical models. In ICAMT 2004. Third International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Kuala Lumpur: International Islamic University Malaysia, 2004. p. 647 ( p.)ISBN: 983-2957-21-4.

DOBROVSKÁ, J., DOBROVSKÁ, V., KAVIČKA, F., STRÁNSKÝ, K. Nová metoda měření a hodnocení chemické heterogenity v polykomponentních kovových systémech. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 2002, roč. 8, č. 3, s. 45 ( s.)ISSN: 1335-1532.

STRÁNSKÝ, K., DOBROVSKÁ, J., DOBROVSKÁ, V., KAVIČKA, F., ŠTĚTINA, J., GONTAREV, V., KOSEC, B. Contribution to chemical heterogeneity and high temperature fracture behaviour of concasting steel slab. In Sborník abstraktů 11.mezinárodní konference metalurgie a materiálů METAL 2002. Ostrava: Tanger Ostrava, 2002. p. 32 ( p.)ISBN: 80-85988-73-9.