Project detail

Speech databases of Middle and East Europe

Duration: 01.01.1999 — 31.12.2000

Funding resources

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - EUPRO

- whole funder

On the project

The goal of the project was to create speech databases of Middle and East Europe


OK 410

Default language


People responsible

Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing. - principal person responsible


Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
- beneficiary (1980-01-01 - not assigned)


GRÉZL, F.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Comparison of MFC and RASTA-PLP parameterizations in recognition of distorted Czech words. Proc. 10th Aachen Symposium on signal theory algorithms and software for mobile communications. Aachen: Aachen University of Technology, 2001. p. 429-434. ISBN: 3-8007-2610-6.

MOTLÍČEK, P.; ČERNOCKÝ, J.; BAUDOIN, G. Diphone-like units for very low bit rate speech coder. Proceeding of Internal Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Student session. Salt Lake City: 2001. p. 48-48. ISBN: 0-7803-7041-4.

MOTLÍČEK, P.; ČERNOCKÝ, J.; BAUDOIN, G. Diphone-like units without phonemes-option for very low bit rate speech coding. Proc. Eurocon2001. Bratislava: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2001. p. 463-467. ISBN: 0-7803-6490-2.

MOTLÍČEK, P.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Minimization of transition noise in very low bit rate speech coding. Proc. Radioelektronika 2001. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BUT, 2001. p. 396-399. ISBN: 80-214-1861-3.

ČERNOCKÝ, J. Průběžná zpráva o řešení projektu OK 410/1999 (MŠMT): Eastern Europen Speech Databases for Creation of Voice Driven Teleservices (SpeechDat-E). Brno: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky VUT, 1999. s. 0-0.

HEUVEL, H.; BOUDY, J.; BAKCSI, Z.; ČERNOCKÝ, J.; GALUNOV, V.; KOCHANINA, J.; MAJEWSKI, W.; POLLÁK, P.; RUSKO, M.; SADOWSKI, J.; STARONIEWICZ, P.; TROPF, H. SpeechDat-East: Five multilingual speech databases for voice-operated teleservices completed. Proc. EUROSPEECH 2001. Aalborg: International Speech Communication Association, 2001. p. 2059-2062. ISBN: 87-90834-09-7.

ČERNOCKÝ, J.; BAUDOIN, G.; PETROVSKA-DELACRETAZ, D.; CHOLLET, G. Vers une analyse acoustico-phonetique de la parole independante de la langue, basee sur ALISP. Revue Parole, 2001, roč. 2001, č. 17, s. 191-226. ISSN: 1373-1955.

ČERNOCKÝ, J. Závěrečná zpráva o řešení projektu OK410/2000: Eastern European Speech Databases for Creation of Voice Driven Teleservices, zpráva pro MŠMT. Brno: 2000. s. 0-0.

GRÉZL, F.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Robustness of MFC and RASTA-PLP parameterizations in Recognition of Distorted Czech Words. Proc. Radioelektronika 2001. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BUT, 2001. p. 392-395. ISBN: 80-214-1861-3.
