Project detail

Společná účast na konferenci Euromat 99

Duration: 1.1.1999 — 31.12.1999

Funding resources

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Prezentace výsledků výzkumu a vývoje

- whole funder (1. 7. 1998 - 31. 12. 2000)

On the project

Description in English
The project focuses on the problems of the German school system in Moravia. The object of the research are the German schools in Moravia and Silesia, the co-existence of these schools with the Czech school-system, pedagogical and professional activitiesof the teachers of German schools, German school associations and their importance for the region, the contribution of Germans schools for the multicultural development of the region. The aim of the project is to inform Czech and German general public about the contribution of German schools to the Czech cultural tradition and add the missing data to the history of our schools system. Outputs: an international seminar on the above-givjournals, articles in our and foreign press, seminar works by studentsand their contributions to the international seminar, preparatory work on the monograph dealing with German teachers, register of Germans schools in the Czech Republic.



Default language


People responsible

Švejcar Jiří, prof. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- contractor (1.1.1980 - not assigned)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- responsible department (1.1.1989 - not assigned)
