Project detail

Internetový časopis Elektrorevue(1999)

Duration: 1.1.1999 — 31.12.1999

Funding resources

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Popularizace výzkumu a vývoje

- whole funder

On the project

Description in English
As part of the programme for the popularization of research and development, an Internet journal Elektrorevue will be set up on the site at the Faculty of electrotechnology and informatics, University of Technology, Brno. Readers willbe able to familiarize themselves in a comprehensible way with the present and the future of electronics both in our country and in the world. The project is mainly intent on encouraging the interest of the public, especially secondary school students,in science and technology. Not only for this reason, all currently accessible features of the Internet network will be used, including mutimedia technology and virtual reality. A significant contribution to the quality of the project is the participationof prominent Czech specialists from Czech technical universities, secondary schools, scientific institutions and important electrotechnical companies as contribution authors and reviewers.



Default language


People responsible

Škorpil Vladislav, doc. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible


Department of Telecommunications
- responsible department (1.1.1989 - not assigned)
Department of Telecommunications
- beneficiary (1.1.1999 - 31.12.1999)