Product detail
IEC/TR 61547-1 ed.1: © 2015. Equipment for general lighting purposes — EMC immunity requirements. Part 1: An objective voltage fluctuation immunity test method
Product type
produkt převzatý do právního předpisu nebo normy
Flicker perception, and the associated IEC 61000-3-3 standard for voltage fluctuations and the flickermeter IEC 61000-4-15, is based on the 60 W incandescent lamp. As a result of the phasing out of incandescent lamps and the widespread introduction of alternative lighting equipment technologies, a new reference lamp was considered. It has been demonstrated that new lighting technologies are in general less but sometimes also more sensitive to supply voltage fluctuations than the current 60 W incandescent lamp. This technical report provides an objective method and procedure for testing the immunity of lighting equipment against mains voltage fluctuations. With this technical report, the lighting industry can gain experience with the flicker immunity test. Results of actual tests will be reported separately in IEC TR 61547-2. Based on the experience with this immunity test method, the adoption of a similar test in the immunity standard for lighting equipment IEC 61547 will be considered.
Objective flicker, lighting equipment, immunity testing,
Create date
1. 1. 2016
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