Product detail
Functional sample for evaluation of temperature using cathodoluminescence light emitted by quantum dots
Product type
funkční vzorek
The reported system is based on the temperature measurement system that was developed in the first stage of the sub-project. It serves for contactless, non-destructive temperature measurement of vitrified samples in electron microscope (EM). The spatial resolution is not limited by a conventional diffractive limit but in principle should allow temperature estimates of the sample (cell) surface on the scale of tens of nanometers. The sensing principle is based on cathodoluminescence (CL) of colloidal quantum dots deposited over a sample of interest. The functional sample is based on a modified CL detector that allows direct measurement of CL. The major progress is represented by the detailed calibration and optimization of the device parameters.
cathodoluminescence ; quantum dots; thermometry
Create date
31. 12. 2021
laboratoře Thermo Fisher Scientific, Vlastimila Pecha 1282/12, 627 00, Brno
Possibilities of use
K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence
Licence fee
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