Product detail

Augmented Reality Workplace


Product type

funkční vzorek


A workplace is intended for an augmented and mixed reality tasks in industrial predictive maintenance and product assembly. It uses a stereo-camera sensor Stereolabs ZED connected to platform of virtual reality (HTC Vie/Oculus Quest) carrying out an image acquistion, processing and visualisation in order to achive experimental verification plaftorm for real-time visual system. Sensors are capable to acquire a pair of images of dimension 2560x720 @ 60 FPS, given FW using Unity/Unreal engine platforms facilitate to process image data on the specific purpose GPU GeForce GTX 1080 Ti synchronously with virtual reality glasses.


Augmented reality, stereo camera, object reconstruction, image processing.

Create date

16. 12. 2022


T12, SD2.91

Possibilities of use

Výsledek je využíván vlastníkem

Licence fee

Poskytovatel licence na výsledek nepožaduje v některých případech licenční poplatek
