Publication detail
Pattern formation in traffic microscopic model
Original Title
Pattern formation in traffic microscopic model
English Title
Pattern formation in traffic microscopic model
Original Abstract
Long-range patterns can be often observed in dynamic systems where only the short-range interactions between components exist. The progress in nonlinear dynamics theory within the past twenty years has helped us to understand the emergence of order in such complex systems. Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine has coined the term dissipative structure for the ordered spatial patterns that emerge in dynamic systems. These patterns are independent on the geometry of system boundaries and often become time-dependent even when all the system parameters are time independent. There are three necessary conditions for such pattern-producing systems: Energy flow between the parts (the system is driven sufficiently far from equilibrium), energy dissipation which allows the system to settle into definite structures, presence of nonlinearity in interactions between the parts of the system. All properties mentioned above can be found in single-lane microscopic models of traffic as well even in case of vehicles with identical properties. In our paper we investigated behavior of such model from the point of view of nonlinear dynamic theory. Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) has been studied with respect to finite reaction interval (retarded interaction between vehicles). We used mean density of the vehicles as the main external parameter of the system. During the extensive set of simulation experiments we detected general properties of the system stationary behavior.
English abstract
Long-range patterns can be often observed in dynamic systems where only the short-range interactions between components exist. The progress in nonlinear dynamics theory within the past twenty years has helped us to understand the emergence of order in such complex systems. Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine has coined the term dissipative structure for the ordered spatial patterns that emerge in dynamic systems. These patterns are independent on the geometry of system boundaries and often become time-dependent even when all the system parameters are time independent. There are three necessary conditions for such pattern-producing systems: Energy flow between the parts (the system is driven sufficiently far from equilibrium), energy dissipation which allows the system to settle into definite structures, presence of nonlinearity in interactions between the parts of the system. All properties mentioned above can be found in single-lane microscopic models of traffic as well even in case of vehicles with identical properties. In our paper we investigated behavior of such model from the point of view of nonlinear dynamic theory. Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) has been studied with respect to finite reaction interval (retarded interaction between vehicles). We used mean density of the vehicles as the main external parameter of the system. During the extensive set of simulation experiments we detected general properties of the system stationary behavior.
traffic flow, microscopic traffic model, IDM model
Key words in English
traffic flow, microscopic traffic model, IDM model
19. 6. 2007
Université Paris-Sud 11
Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay cedex, France
author="Tomáš {Apeltauer}",
title="Pattern formation in traffic microscopic model",
series="Traffic and Granular Flow",
publisher="Université Paris-Sud 11",
address="Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay cedex, France",