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Original Title
Dielektrická spektroskopie karboxymetylcelulózy v časové oblasti
English Title
Time-domain Dielectric Spectroscopy of Carboxymethylcellulose
Original Abstract
Předmětem této práce je aplikace a vývoj metody dielektrické relaxační spektroskopie v časové oblasti pro zjištění dielektrických parametrů karboxymetylcelulózy (KMC) ve frekvenčním intervalu 10-5 - 10-1 Hz. Práce pak uvádí dielektrické spektrum KMC jednak v této oblasti, jednak v oblasti 100 Hz - 500 MHz.
English abstract
The dissertation deals with the time-domain dielectric relaxation spectroscopy of carboxymethylcellulose. The main attention was paid to the experimental part of research, mainly to the design and subsequent development of an experimental setup for the measurement of discharge currents and for their processing and analysis. The subject of the measurement is carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), which is a simple polysaccharide used in wide range of applications, among else also in biomedical engineering. The study of CMC properties has required the development of a new experimental set-up of original design, which includes the equilibration (short-circuiting) of a sample before the measurement, charging and discharging at defined time intervals, switching between these two modes, recording of measurement, adjustments and processing of measured signals up to Fourier transformation into the frequency domain and, finally, calculation of complex permittivity of the sample. The frequency dependence of complex permittivity or its imaginary part, obtained by Fourier transformation of discharge current in time domain, is then referred to as the dielectric spectrum. In view of the fact that current measurements were done at very low levels of measured signal (below 10-12 A) the whole measurement was no easy matter. The framework of the work also necessitated studies and subsequent resolution of problems associated with shielding, grounding, presence of noise and sensitivity to various ambient influences. The research work focused on a reliable and trustworthy measurement of very low discharge currents and, subsequently, mathematical processing of noise present in them, i.e., operations with the original, experimentally established signal in time domain, leading in principle to a digital filtration of measured dielectric data. A further pursued objective is the explanation of dielectric parameters of tested carboxymethylcellulose sample in the widest possible frequency spectrum. The integral part of the research was the selection and application of the method for the transformation of the adjusted signal to the frequency domain. The experimental works, including data processing, were carried out in the Department of Physics, Brno FEEC BUT. Measurements were done with Keithley 617 Electrometer, HP4284A Frequency Analyzer and Janis CCS-400-204 cryogenic system. The results were completed with results obtained at the V Department of Experimental Physics, Centre for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg, Germany.
Dielektrická relaxační spektroskopie, karboxymetylcelulóza, měření v časové oblasti, relativní permitivita, dielektrická konstanta, ztrátové číslo, ztrátový činitel, elektrometr, nízkoúrovňová měření.
Key words in English
Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, carboxymethylcellulose, time domain measurements, permittivity, dielectric constant, loss number, loss factor, electrometer, low-level measurements.
1. 1. 2010
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@phdthesis{BUT67030, author="Tomáš {Palai-Dany}", title="Dielektrická spektroskopie karboxymetylcelulózy v časové oblasti", publisher="FEKT VUT Brno", address="Brno", pages="1--31", year="2010" }