Further cooperation in the field of education
BUT actively develops other forms of educational activities. In addition to education in accredited study programs, it also supports lifelong learning and enables the acquisition, deepening and renewal of knowledge in various fields of knowledge and culture. In this way, university contributes to the development of the knowledge in the whole society.
Continuing Education and Counseling Center (CECC) covers a wide range of activities and services that serve for the systematic development of education at BUT. These are mainly educational and development programs and courses, various types of consultancy, the University of the Third Age (U3V), etc. Both students and employees of BUT, as well as the general public, can use the services offered by the center.
ContriBUTe - innovative and business ecosystem of BUT
BUT is also an entrepreneurial university. It educates, inspires and connects. Our programs support ideas and real business. All students have the opportunity to learn and participate in workshops and personal consultations, including coaching in the ContriBUTe program.
University Doctoral School
The aim of this activity is to create a supporting educational platform for students of doctoral study programs at BUT. In addition to interdisciplinary, university-wide cooperation, the school will also focus on the development of skills that will increase the attractiveness and applicability of the doctoral graduate in practice at research institutions and in the field of application.
Young scientists will be educated in the following professional topics: professional publishing, citations, academic writing, presentation skills, career growth, popularization of science or what are the possibilities for the creation of start-ups and spin- off projects.
Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková