Industrial Doctorates
Industrial doctorates at the BUT are an extension of the standard doctoral studies with the active involvement of the application partner. This concept promotes collaboration between the university and industry, while bringing high added value for the PhD students themselves.
Industrial partners are interested in delivering quality products to the market. They are interested in innovating their offer and technology. Their new task is also work on research or development of a new products, technologies or new material properties. They are equipped with a theoretical basis and professional experience, but they often lack some highly scientific-research competences that they have not needed in their work yet.
Cooperation with the academic sphere helps to gain access to these competences, acquire them and use them in your own work. An essential role is played by the supervisor in the doctoral study, who is the guarantor of the professional and scientific education of the doctoral student. In addition, the industrial doctorate counts on the involvement of a specialist supervisor from the application partner.
Industrial doctorates represent great opportunities for Ph.D. students, the university and the application sphere. Industrial doctorate studies are also open to graduates with experience. The age of the new PhD student does not matter at all. Here, the student's interest in the development of scientific and research competences and the written topic of the dissertation are important. The requirements are formulated by the trainer in cooperation with the industrial partner and approved by the university council.
What does an industrial doctorate mean
An industrial doctorate is a doctoral study carried out on the basis of a written contract between the university and an industrial partner that is interested in using the results of research and development. The study of an industrial doctorate is not a special type of doctoral study program and takes place in accordance with the Act on Universities and BUT's internal regulations. An industrial doctorate can be completed in full-time or combined form of study.
Doctoral studies represent the highest level of study at BUT. Its goal is the preparation of highly qualified personnel for scientific work in a specific field. The study is therefore focused on the knowledge of the theoretical basis and on a narrower focus, which is followed by one's own scientific research activity within the framework of the dissertation.
Thanks to the cooperation of academic and private entities, industrial doctorates bring profit on both sides. This form of cooperation contributes to the transfer of knowledge into practice and the valorization of the results of science in the national economy.
The existence of industrial doctorates at BUT is anchored in Directive 4/24 Industrial doctorates at BUT. The directive sets specific rules for conducting doctoral studies at BUT in cooperation with the application sphere.
KontaktResponsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková