Conwe s.r.o.
Specific wastewater treatment for smaller producers and municipalities – without electricity, using natural materials and technologies.
Research tasks conducted at Brno University of Technology (BUT) on constructed wetlands, extensive treatment plants, and natural wastewater treatment systems have led us at the Faculty of Civil Engineering to develop several utility models. However, translating these new findings into practice proved highly complex, perhaps even overly ambitious. This challenge led to the establishment of Conwe s.r.o., a company that develops, optimizes, designs, and operates specific wastewater treatment solutions known as natural treatment plants. Although the conceptual designs and configurations are based on natural and physical principles, each system is tailored to its specific context.
All designs, from feasibility studies to project documentation and all installations – whether for household or municipal wastewater treatment plants – rely solely on natural processes for water purification, without electricity and with minimal maintenance requirements. These treatment plants are simpler to operate, making them a more cost-effective solution than conventional systems. Furthermore, natural treatment plants produce no carbon footprint and have no adverse environmental impact, as their effluent quality often surpasses that of conventional plants. Low operational costs make this an ideal solution for wastewater producers, and as a result, natural treatment systems are increasingly common in practice.
Natural treatment plant, vertical filter, wastewater
Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková