Course detail

Protection Against Weapons of Mass Destruction

FCH-BCO_ZHNAcad. year: 2011/2012

Protection against weapons of mass destruction

The parting of the weapons of mass destruction and their characteristic. Principles nuclear weapons and their classification. Nuclear reaction. Atomic explosion and its categories. Destructive factors. Radiologic weapons. Protection against destructive effects nuclear and radiologic weapons. Chemical weapons. Characteristic chemical agents, their classification, physical, chemical and toxic characteristics. Symptom of using. Possibilities misuse of industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, petroleum, oils, and lubricants, flammable matters. Characteristic flammable materials and agents. Classification bacteriological (biological) and toxins weapons and characteristic their properties and effects. Evolution and new generation weapons of mass destruction Outlines and way of using weapons of mass destruction. Chemical, bacteriological (biological), toxins, radiologic and nuclear terrorism. Aims, tasks and precautions against weapons of mass destruction. Warnings. Report to nuclear explosions and accidents, chemical and biological attacks and estimate of the situation. Principles, ways and tools radiation, chemical and biological investigation, individual and collective protection, associated prophylaxis, hygienic and special de-pollution. Removing effects after using weapons of mass destruction.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Obtain theoretical knowleges of NBC and know-how protection against damages weapons of mass destruction


Graduation chemistry I, II,


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

In terms of study hour students manage fundamental problems and story weapons of mass destruction and protection against them. Classification of toxic substances according to effects on human organism, construction nuclear weapons, characteristics biological and bacteriological weapons. Models of the diffusion pollutants in atmosphere. Conditions for graduation study is certificate lessons of chemistry I, II. Content of final examination is given syllabus of lesson.

Course curriculum

13 lectures per 4 lessons. 13 discussions per 1 lesson. Even series of the weapons of mass destruction and their characteristic. Principles nuclear weapons and their classification. Nuclear reaction. Atomic explosion and its categories. Destructive factors. Radiologic weapons. Protection against destructive effects nuclear and radiologic weapons. Chemical weapons. Characteristic chemical agents, their classification, physical, chemical and toxic characteristics. Symptom of using. Possibilities misuse of industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, petroleum, oils, and lubricants, flammable matters. Characteristic flammable materials and agents. Classification bacteriological (biological) and toxins weapons and characteristic their properties and effects. Evolution and new generation weapons of mass destruction Outlines and way of using weapons of mass destruction. Chemical, bacteriological (biological), toxins, radiologic and nuclear terrorism. Aims, tasks and precautions against weapons of mass destruction. Warnings. Report to nuclear explosions and accidents, chemical and biological attacks and estimate of the situation. Principles, ways and tools radiation, chemical and biological investigation, individual and collective protection, associated prophylaxis, hygienic and special de-pollution. Removing effects after using weapons of mass destruction.

Work placements

Not applicable.


Mastered problems weapons of mass destruction and protection against them.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Study is professed during the course of semester and weekly assembly. In terms of assembly are organized individual and collective tuitions to the extent per 1 lesson every day. In terms of tutorials are evaluated effects of weapons of mass destruction on men, materials and building structure.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

MATOUŠEK, J., LINHART, P.: CBRN Chemické zbraně. 2006, SPBI Spektrum, Ostrava, ISBN 80-86634-71-X (CS)
KOHOUTEK, J.: Prostředky pro ochranu proti zbraním hromadného ničení a chemickému nebezpečí. AVIS, Praha, 2005, ISBN 80-7278-249-5 (CS)
ROTH, R., MIKA, J.O.: Ochrana proti chemickému a biologickému ohrozeniu. APZ, Bratislava, 2006, ISBN 80-8054-378-X (CS)
PRYMULA, R., a kol.: Biologický a chemický terorismus. GRADA, Praha, 2002, ISBN 80-247-0288-6 (CS)
studijní opory v systému Moodle (CS)
ANDEMICAEL, B., MATHIASON, J.: Eliminating weapons of mass destruction. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, New York, 2005, ISBN 0-333-79483-4 (CS)

Recommended literature

MARRS, T. C., MAYNARD, R. L., SIDELL, F. R.: Chemical warfare agents. WILEY, Chichester, 2002, ISBN 0-471-95994-4 (CS)
TAKADA, J.: Nuclear hazards in the world. SPRINGER, Berlín, 2005, ISBN 3-540-25272-X (CS)
POLÁK, J.: Jak přežít terorismus. JAMA, Praha, 2001, ISBN 80-902374-3-6 (CS)
PITSCHMANN, V.: Historie chemické války. Military System Line, Praha, 1999, ISBN 80-902669-0-8 (CS)
HRDINA, V. a kol.: Toxikologie bojových chemických látek a zdravotnicko-protichemická ochrana. VLVDÚ H. Králové, 1983, učební texty. (CS)
HÁLA, J.: Radioaktivita, Ionizující záření, Jaderná energie. 1998, Konvoj, Brno, ISBN 80-85615-56-8 (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BKCP_OOB Bachelor's

    branch BKCO_KROO , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme CKCP_CZV lifelong learning

    branch CKCO_CZV , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme BPCP_OOB Bachelor's

    branch BPCO_KROO , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer